
JAKARTA - Erik Aryanto (29), an employee of a food stall, received burns when his stall on Jalan Kramat 2, Kwitang Village, Senen District, Central Jakarta was hit by a fire on Monday, June 5.

The fire is thought to have been caused by a burning gas stove hose and then spread to other buildings and grew.

"The shop for chicken warkop and noodles caught fire due to the burning gas stove hose," said Head of Central Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Asril Rizal when confirmed, Monday, June 5.

The area burned down in the commercial trading building reached 152 square meters consisting of two floors.

A warkop area that caught fire covering an area of 32 square meters and a second floor building covering an area of 120 square meters. Officers estimated the loss due to this fire to at least Rp380 million.

The existence of this incident caused the situation of roads and traffic on Jalan Kramat Raya to stall due to the process of extinguishing the fire.

A fire broke out in the area of Jalan Kramat 2, Kwitang Village, Senen District, Central Jakarta on Monday, June 5, morning. The appearance of the flames was reported to have started at around 07.45 WIB.

The Head of the Fire and Rescue Service (Sudin Gulkarmat) confirmed the fire incident.

"The object caught fire in a general food stall trading building. Only one two-story building was burned down," said Head of Central Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Asril Rizal when confirmed, Monday, June 5.

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