
MADINAH - The First Crisis and Rescue Handling Team at the Hajj Pilgrimage (PKP3JH) promoted the Sandal and Footwear Alert Movement which aims to suppress cases of loss of footwear that could risk endangering footprints.

"Disappearance of footwear in the form of sandals or shoes is very risky in endangering the footprints, thus disturbing the solemnity of congregational worship," said PKP3JH Assistant Operations Agus Prabowo in a press statement quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, June 3.

He said the case of the leg of the hoarse pilgrims occurred in almost every pilgrimage and one of the most causes was that the congregation felt they had lost sandals or shoes when leaving the hotel, then went home on foot.

This, he said, was caused by the hot weather, the yard floor of the Prophet's Mosque, the Grand Mosque, and the streets in Tanah Haram were hot, and as a result, the feet overflowed when they stepped on them without footwear.

"One of the five largest non-health cases of the incident last year was a congregation who lost sandals and resulted in limping feet," he said.

For this year, until the 11th day of the operation of the pilgrimage since the arrival of the congregation in Medina, 47 sandals have been distributed to help pilgrims caught losing their footwear outside the hotel.

"We have prepared 500 pairs of sandals to be distributed to pilgrims in need, both in Medina and Makkah. The PKP3JH team is on standby and on standby in the Nabawi Mosque area and the Grand Mosque," he said.

Agus hopes that this year there will not be many cases of pilgrims' feet that will melt because they are not wearing footwear when leaving the hotel or when they are in the Nabawi Mosque area and the Grand Mosque.

He mentioned a number of preventive measures and tips to prevent limping footprints:

1. Pay attention to the weather before leaving the inn to go to worship. Hot/hot weather is at risk of unlabeled feet.

2. Make sure to bring your bags/plastics to store your own sandals when they are not in use

3. Don't put sandals in any place, to avoid the risk of being lost or forgetting to put it

4. Not entrusting sandals to other people or fellow congregants because there is still a possibility that they are separated from the group

5. Bring spare sandals if necessary

6. If possible, use moisturizer for the soles of the feet to prevent dry and moisturizing feet

7. If you lose or forget to store footwear, do not force yourself to step on the floor / walk hot temperature. Notify the absence of footwear to Indonesian Hajj officers so that new footwear can be given.

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