
JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno expects more collaboration between the government and the private sector in carrying out activities that drive the tourism industry and the creative economy so as to create jobs.

This was conveyed by Sandiaga regarding the Java Jazz Festival music event which has been going on for 18 years and is loved by various groups and ages. The event, according to him, became part of the development of the creative economy in the country.

"The estimated 10.000 jobs are indirectly affected. This is massive and we are proud that there is a special line for international musicians at Soekarno Hatta Airport and we hope that events like this can be held in our five Super Priority Destinations," Sandiaga said in a statement quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, June 3.

Sandiaga also appreciated the involvement of private actors who accommodated various parties to organize the event.

Menparekraf said, a festival like this deserves to be held, because based on data from 10-15 percent of foreign tourists are in this segment. In addition, the target of 1.4 billion domestic tourists at this time has the potential to be met from this segment.

It is also hoped that Sandiaga will be able to have an economic impact and create jobs to improve people's welfare.

Meanwhile, the President Director of the Java Festival Production, Dewi Gontha, expressed her high appreciation for the support of several parties and the government, especially from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) who are determined to advance destinations, the creative sector, and MSMEs.

Dewi said that Java Jazz was maintained by Indonesia to attract foreign tourists to visit.

"This festival is maintained in Indonesia because it attracts tourists and recommended destinations to hold jazz festivals in five Super Priority Destinations because these destinations are to make it easier for foreign tourists," said Dewi Gontha.

Then the supply chain at this festival, continued Dewi, involved several creative, culinary, fashion, and others.

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