
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion has protested to Garuda Indonesia airline about the departure of 328 participants in the Hajj pilgrimage for the 4 Banjarmasin Embarkation Group (BDJ 04) which was delayed due to technical damage to Garuda Indonesia aircraft.

"We have submitted a protest to Garuda Indonesia regarding this incident. Moreover, information on the existence of technical damage was only informed after the congregation was at Samsuddin Noor Airport," said Director of Domestic Hajj Services Saiful Mujab as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, June 3.

The flying group 4 BDJ 04 was originally scheduled to be dispatched to the Holy Land on June 3, 2023 at 02.40 WITA. According to the schedule, pilgrims for Hajj departed from Samsuddin Noor Airport on June 2, 2023, at 23.00 WITA.

However, the Hajj candidates finally returned to the Hajj Dormitory because there was information about the aircraft's technical damage.

"We ask Garuda to apologize and hope that compensation will be given to the congregation," he said.

According to Mujab, the strong protest was conveyed because the delay in departure was not the first. A similar incident was also experienced by pilgrims from Banjarmasin during the 2022 Hajj operation.

At that time, their return was delayed due to technical problems. Another incident also happened to the congregation from the Banjarmasin Embarkation in 2019. Even at that time, the incident had an impact on the delay in departure of the next three groups.

"This is repeated again. We ask Garuda Indonesia to provide the best solution so that the congregation can immediately leave together in one group to the Holy Land," he said.

He encouraged Garuda Indonesia to immediately find a solution so that the recurring incident does not continue. Mujab is worried that the delay in Group 4 BDJ 04 will have an impact on other flights.

"Solution is needed immediately so that this issue does not have an impact on the next groups," he said.

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