JAKARTA - One hot afternoon, the atmosphere of the Great Housing of Kampial, South Kuta, Badung Regency, Bali, seemed deserted and deserted. Understandably, the air conditions at that time were not friendly for people to carry out activities outside the home. In fact, children who usually play kites were not seen.
However, at the end of the housing, dozens of pairs of sandals piled up in front of a building that looked like a house, covering an area of about 102 square meters. Dozens of elementary school-age children to junior high school wearing skullcaps and koko shirts looked enthusiastic following directions from an adult man, mustache, black skin, and still in police uniform.
The man is none other than the police who have founded the Asy-Syifa Al-Qur'an Education Park (TPQ), Bripka Jono. Bripka Jono is a member of Banum 1 Sipatwal Airud, Directorate of Water and Air Police of the Bali Police.
Pak Jono, as people call him, has 18 years of teaching and providing religious knowledge for children in the Al-Qur'an Asy-Syifa Education Park. During that time he was also a witness as well as a historical actor who felt falling and waking up to fight for a recitation place on a Thousand Pura Island or The Island of Thousand Temples, nicknamed the island of Bali.
The condition of society, which is predominantly Hindu, has never undermined the ideals of Bripka Jono to establish a Al Quran educational park, which aims to make children in their area able to read, write, memorize, and practice our sacred womb.
The Beginning Of Establishing TPQ
The Asy-Syifa Al-Qur'an Education Park was founded in 2005. Before having a place to study as it is today, children took lessons in a house owned by a resident named Ustaz Ruslan (late). The harmony of Muslims in the area asked Ustadz Ruslan and his wife to facilitate and teach children.
The teaching lasted for 5 years until 2010 Ustaz Ruslan moved to Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara.
A few years later, based on an agreement with the people in the area, Bripka Jono decided to buy the house for children's recitation sites. After buying and selling was ratified, the house was named the Asy-Syifa Al-Qur'an Education Park.
"The beginning of the establishment of TPQ started from our concern where children in public and junior high schools, there were schools that prepared religious teachers and some did not. Apart from that, the need for value. So, these children need religious values, if they expect it to be a bit difficult at school because of the limited teaching time and there are no religious teachers," said Bripka Jono, quoted from ANTARA, Friday, June 2.
Another thing that moved Bripka Jono to establish the Asy-Syifa Al-Qur'an Education Park is the distance where recitation is for children. In the area around Kampial Nusa Dua, there is indeed a mosque, but it is quite far away, making it difficult for parents of children in housing to take children to recite the Koran plus work activities.
The mosque not far from the Kampial housing is the Great Mosque of Ibnu Batuta which is located in Puja Mandala, Nusa Dua, which stands firmly next to four other places of worship such as the Catholic Church of Parish Maria Mother of All Nations, the Vihara of Buddha Guna, the Protestant Christian Church of Bukit Doa, and the Temple of Jagat Natha.
To arrive at the Grand Mosque Ibnu Batutah, the children need about 10-15 minutes. For this reason, Bripka Jono together with Hidayat, Iswana, Gatot, Amer Mahmud, and others are encouraged to establish an educational house that can be reached at any time by the children.
Bripka Jono is willing to set aside his income as a member of the National Police to buy Ustadz Ruslan's house with a value of Rp. 200 million, assisted by several donors.
Apparently that's not the only reason for Bripka Jono to establish the Asy-Syifa Al-Qur'an Education Park. Jono's experience as a child while still living in Batang, Central Java, also encouraged him to be called up to children's religious education.
"Actually, my childhood experience in Batang also made me fall in love with religious education. I remember every night I was willing to ride someone else's onthel bicycle so that I could take lessons in the next village," he said.
In fact, because he didn't have enough money, little Jono was willing to pay his teachers to use kerosene for lighting from the lights that were brought up at that time on the way to get Islamic education from a teacher he always remembered. For Bripka Jono, religious science is like a lamp that illuminates a night that functions to illuminate human thoughts and behavior.
Bripka Jono himself admitted that he was proud to be able to carry out such humanitarian actions in his capacity as a member of the police. For him, Jono as a police officer is always attached wherever and whatever kind of task. Therefore, when he founded the Asy-Syifa Al-Qur'an Education Park, it was also his dedication as a member of the National Police to help educate the nation's life.
Wherever he is, he is always attached as a member of the National Police. Even though he is not serving and resting at home, Jono is still called by the Police.
He sees this as the main task of the National Police to protect, protect, and serve the community, in addition to maintaining the security of their respective environmental order.
As a member of the National Police, he wants to prove to the public that the National Police also has the task of contributing to public education. Not only caring about children's education, but Jono himself often provides services to the community such as socializing government programs and being a speaker at certain events.
In the Asy-Syifa Al-Qur'an Education Park, many things were taught by Bripka Jono, such as recitation of the Qur'an, tahfiz, as well as coaching and padasan akhlakul karimah.
In addition, there are also additional programs such as writing Arabic letters, memorize short letters, daily prayers, prayer and remembrance, knowledge of Islam, and fostering children's creativity.
The TPQ provides education ranging from kindergarten, elementary, and junior high school. For high school, according to him, it is a bit difficult because when they graduate from junior high school they are ashamed to recite the Koran so that his party provides their own forum for teenagers, to recite the Koran once a week.
In addition to studying, TPQ Asy-Syifa also provides artistic skills, such as the art of tambourine under the Asy-Syifa Kampial Tambourine Art Studio.
The police officer who completed the 2000 Police Officer Education Education at the Central Java Police State Police School said that in establishing TPQ there were challenges faced, both internally and externally, such as the condition of the plural and financial condition of society.
However, the first challenge actually made Bripka Jono more firmly based on the principle that TPQ Asy-Syifa became a house that taught peace and diversity.
Dari faktor internal, yang pertama dari pembiayaan karena tidak ada donor tetap. Jadi, pihaknya berswadayaya karena pendidikan anak-anak ini gratis, sedangkan guru ada yang mau diberikan dan ada yang tidak mau karena niatnya berbati. Untuk ATK sudah disiapkan.
TPQ And Social Changes
After 18 years of going through many ups and downs, Bripka Jono admitted that he had received a lot of support from various groups, both Muslim and community in Kampial Housing, Nusa Dua, Badung, Bali.
"Muslims are certainly happy because they are not far from taking their children to the Koran... I was arrested from the residents here thanking them for opening the Asy-Syifa TPQ," he said.
Bripka Jono recounted that at the beginning of the establishment of the Asy-Syifa TPQ, the Muslim family of around 80 families affected the number of children participating in the recitation. At first, the number of active students was not much because they were used to attending public schools. However, the number of active children in the Asy-Syifa TPQ has now reached 70 people. Dozens of children were guided by seven teachers, but only five were always active.
With makeshift funds, Bripka Jono provides wages for teachers even though they are not according to UMR standards. This is because the financing of children's education in that place comes from members' self-help funds and several donors. He hopes that more people will teach and help fulfill the scientific needs of children at TPQ.
In addition to getting appreciation from the surrounding community, the positive thing that was formed after the Asy-Syifa TPQ was a change in behavior in children. This is considered positive based on the results of a joint evaluation of environmental administrators.
Small examples. After the children recite here there is a change in behavior. Before meeting parents, usually from the road, but when they have recited at TPQ, they immediately greet and kiss their hands and it shows a change in their child.
In addition, the lack of problems that occur in the region involving children cannot be separated from the existence of the Asy-Syifa TPQ. Bripka Jono did not expect more from the establishment of the TPQ.
For him, trying to get a decent education for children in the area where he lives is a life call as a member of the National Police and a believer.
Thanks to the loyalty and dedication of Bripka Jono, the Asy-Syifa TPQ facility, which used to consist of only one house building, has now developed into three buildings resulting from self-help. He dreamed that the Asy-Syifa TPQ had modern facilities so that the quality of his education would improve.
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