
JAYAPURA - The Cartenz Peaceful Law Enforcement Task Force arrested one of the perpetrators of the murder of a priest in Nogoloit, Nduga Regency, Papua Mountains.

Head of the Cartenz Peace Task Force, Kombes Faizal Rahmadani, told ANTARA on Tuesday, May 30, admitting the arrest of one of the perpetrators of the killing of civilians that took place in Nogoloit in July 2022.

Dari laporan yang diterima awalnya, Senin 29 Mei tim satgas penegakan hukum Damai Cartenz menangkap dua orang di Nogoloit dan setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan seorang antaranya diduga terlibat kasus penyerangan dan pembunuhan warga di tahun 2022.

The suspect at the Constitutional Court at the time of the incident allegedly killed one of 11 victims.

In the incident, 11 people died, including one of the religious leaders from Nduga, namely Rev. Eliaser Baner.

"Pdt Eliaser is a church servant in Yereitma Village, Pija District, Nduga Regency. Pastor Eliaser went to Nogoloit in the context of GKI's coordination activities in Wamena on July 26-28, 2022," explained Kombes Faizal.

The former Director of Criminal Investigation at the Papua Police admitted that during the arrest there was a shootout in Nogoloit but no members were injured.

"The shootout in Nogoloit has indeed occurred frequently since Friday, May 26," explained Kombes Faizal.

"Currently Yotam Buriangge has separated himself from Egianus Kogoya," explained Kombes Faizal.

Yotam Bugiangge is a former soldier from the 756th Infantry Battalion/Wimane Sili (Yonif 756/MWS) who served in Company-C Infantry Battalion 756/WMS has escaped from his unit since December 2021 with one SS-2 V1 firearm.

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