
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) revealed that corrupt behavior now involves the realm of the family. In fact, in the last 10 years, the presumptuous practices that have occurred have dragged families from husbands, wives to children and siblings.

"Currently, corruption is not only carried out by one party, because the perpetrators collaborate, including involving the nuclear family," said KPK Deputy for Education and Community Participation Wawan Wardiana in a written statement, Monday, May 29 evening.

In fact, Wawan revealed that parents were able to teach honesty to their children less than 10 percent. "The KPK study shows only four percent," he said.

This condition confirms that strengthening anti-corruption values must be carried out, especially in the family environment. Various ways like a wife can act like an auditor.

"So whatever the husband gives to his wife, must be audited immediately," said Wawan.

"So that with this the family can become the first bulwark to keep us from corrupt behavior. Because integrity cannot be done alone, it must collaborate," he continued.

In this kind of way, Indonesia is expected to be free of corruption by 2045.

"And in the next 20 years, millennials, including our children, are not impossible to occupy an important role in Indonesia. With the role of families who continue to instill anti-corruption values, we hope that children will grow with integrity," concluded Wawan.

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