
TANGERANG While on a political safari in Tangerang, Banten, PDI-P presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo emphasized the importance of maintaining tolerance between religious communities. In the future, there should no longer be incidents that arise due to SARA issues. Ganjar conveyed this right at Gondrong Sports Hall, Tangerang on Sunday, May 28, 2023.

In the event, all interfaith figures in Banten were present, namely Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Konghuchu.

"I am happy when in Banten I always meet interfaith figures and cultural figures. I entrust it, let us all respect all religions here. Let us show that we can live in harmony, worship comfortably and society well," said Ganjar.

The difference between ethnicity, religion, race and class, Ganjar continued, is sunnatullah. Since birth, everyone is destined to be different. But whatever the difference, they are Indonesian citizens.

"That's what we have to take care of. If we talk a little bit of racism, religion, groups, then this country will break up. Who is responsible, yes we all," he said.

Banten continued Ganjar is an area that has an extraordinary history of tolerance. Since the Banten Sultanate era, religious tolerance has flourished in the Land of Java.

"Because near the Sultanate of Banten, there is a place of worship of Konghuchu. And historically, the mosque tower was designed by the Chinese. So, we have always been taught about the importance of tolerance," he said.

One of the Banten religious leaders, Father Ruby Santamoko, said that the people of Banten really expect conduciveness. Residents want to live side by side and respect each other.

"Especially before the current election, we hope that everything will run smoothly. We Indonesian people are smart, we must choose leaders who care about tolerance, arts and culture. We want to elect the people's president, and Pak Ganjar is the person," he said.

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