The Cianjur Police, West Java, received a complaint from the community who were victims of alleged fraud under the guise of fraudulent social gatherings with a total loss of Rp. 4 billion. Meanwhile, the management of the social gathering initials NRA has fled.
Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cianjur Police, Iptu Tono Listianto, said that his party had asked for information about 56 victims who would confirm the report to one person. The number of victims is estimated to be more than a hundred people from various sub-districts in Cianjur.
"We have asked for the victim's statement, but the number is quite large, so those who are victims are asked to make a power of attorney for one person who will make an official report against the NRA, the management of the social gathering who is considered detrimental to the victim," he said in Cianjur, quoted from Antara, Friday, May 26.
His party asked all victims to collect initial evidence such as bank statements to find out the total loss suffered and as evidence for reports to the police.
"“Rekening the newspaper for auditing how much the total loss will be, so the police report will then be made," said Tono.
Meanwhile, a hundred victims of fake social gatherings managed by NRA, a resident of Lembahsari Village, Cikalongkulon District, Cianjur, finally reported to the police because of the promise to pay the victim's money by guaranteeing that the house certificate was not realized and disappeared instead.
Most of the victims were tempted by the promise of NRA which could provide a profit of 20-40 percent every month from the arisan value followed by the victims ranging from Rp. 10 million to Rp. 650 million, but the promise only lasted for one month.
"The promise, if you join the Rp. 10 million per month, you get a profit of Rp. 4 million, so I feel tempted and participated three months ago. For the first two months, the money returns with a profit of Rp. 14 million, but the next month there is none at all," said Rina Nursanti (30), one of the victims from the fake social gathering.
To dispel the victim's suspicion, he said, the perpetrator promised more profits, but asked for time so that the victim would not collect and make a report, until it was finally revealed that the victim of a fake social gathering came to the house of NRA, which amounted to more than 100 people.
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