
The East Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim has again arrested 6 perpetrators of the brawl along with a number of sharp weapons (sajam) on Mayong Street, North Cipinang Besar Village, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta. The six perpetrators have different roles.

"We have secured as many as six people. The three perpetrators of whom carried out severe abuse using sharp weapons of the type of sickle and producer of ducks. The three of them stabbed the victim directly," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Leonardus Simarmata to reporters, Friday, May 26.

Meanwhile, three other perpetrators played a role in destroying goods in the form of motorbikes and bird cages in RW 07 along with equipment or offices. The six perpetrators are currently languishing in the East Jakarta Metro Police detention cell.

"We are still developing it again, we have arrested all the perpetrators from both sides and detained them, individuals who commit violence both against people and our goods are processing," he said.

Meanwhile, the evidence that was secured by the police consisted of 2 sickle blades and 1 duck cast. As a result of the brawl, two victims suffered stab wounds and sharp weapons and are still undergoing treatment at the Friendship Hospital. "The victim is seriously injured, still being treated," he said.

As a result of his actions, the six perpetrators were charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code related to violence against people and goods.

"All residents of RW 07 and RW 08, North Cipinang Besar Village, are urged to stop brawls or other violence in order to maintain a conducive situation in the East Jakarta area. If it is still found, we will carry out a legal process indiscriminately. anyone involved in a brawl and using sharp weapons will be processed," he said.

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