
The suspects in the case of mistreatment of David Ozora (17), namely Mario Dandy Satriyo (20) and Shane Lukas (19) underwent a medical examination in the Medical and Health Sector (Biddokkes) before being handed over to the South Jakarta District Attorney.

"After Friday prayers for the last health check before we leave it to the Prosecutor's Office. We will go to Dokkes first," said Head of Sub-Directorate of Youth, Children and Women (Kasub-Directorate of Renakta) at the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Rohman Yongky as reported by ANTARA, Friday, May 26.

Yongki said the health check was needed to determine the current condition of the two suspects whether they were in good health and health.

"Although we have checked regularly before, it is still our responsibility," he said.

The Prosecutor's Office has stated that the case files for Mario Dandy Satriyo (20) and Shane Lukas (19) are complete or P21 so that the trial of the case of mistreatment of David Ozora (17) can be carried out immediately at the South Jakarta District Court (PN).

"Today, Kajati DKI has issued P21 on two suspects," said Assistant for General Crimes at the DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) Danang Suryo Wibowo at a press conference in Jakarta, Wednesday (24/5).

Danang emphasized that no case handling was carried out back and forth because P18 and P19 were only issued once according to the stipulated timeframe.

Ditegaskan waktu proses penyidikan, yakni mulai Selasa (2/5) hingga Rabu (24/5) dengan dinyatakan berkas lengkap atau penerbitan P21 sehingga menghabiskan waktu dua bulan 22 hari.

"Meanwhile, we have time to determine our stance for two occasions, namely during the first and second 14 days so that the total is 28 days," he said.

As for the case files, 17 witnesses in the Mario case have been examined, including Mario's father, Rafael Alun Trisambodo and David Ozora's father, Jonathan.

Meanwhile, seven research prosecutors in the Public Prosecutor's team (JPU), namely Sandi Andika, I Gede Eka Haryana, Eka Widiyastuti, Mei Darlis, Bayu Ika Perdana, Suryani and Agus Kurniawan.

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