
Balikpapan Police have named Taufik Nugroho (36) as a suspect in an accident that killed a motorcyclist on Jalan Soekarno-Hatta, Muara Rapak, Balikpapan.

Head of Balikpapan Police Traffic Unit, Kompol Ropiyani, explained that the status determination was based on the results of the examination. First, Nugroho's SIM turned out to be a SIM A, not a requirement to drive a truck with a 10 wheel like the one he was carrying.

A driving license (SIM) for a tronton truck driver or trailer must be a Public B2 SIM. The police also found evidence that the accident occurred because the truck lost the braking system, aka brake failed when entering the Rapak derivative.

Nugroho and his truck departed from the Kariangau container terminal (Kaltim Kariangau Terminal, KKT), North Balikpapan, to Kampung Baru, West Balikpapan. Nugroho chose to pass Jalan Soekarno-Hatta.

Ahead of Rapak's descent, the road on the hill slope with a slope of about 25 degrees, the truck's brake oil was leaking, even though the brake pedal was stepped on, the wheels did not stop turning.

When the truck could not be controlled, in front of it was a Yamaha Jupiter MX KT 2238 ZC driven by Ardie (47). Malang could not be denied in an instant that the motorbike and motorcyclist were hit by a giant weighing tens of tons, and surrounded by wheels. Ardie, a resident of Borobudur Street, who was not far from the Rapak Roundabout, was killed on the spot.

Nugroho is still struggling to stop his truck by swerved to the right, causing the truck to hit the road divider, but it still hasn't stopped. The tronton truck continued to slide until it hit a road fence in front of the shop which was facing the derivative of the Meeting.

When Ardie's body was taken to Kanujoso Djatiwibowo Hospital, Nugroho was also secured by the North Balikpapan Sector police whose headquarters were not far from the Rapak derivative, and immediately taken to the Mapolresta in Klandasan.

Reported by ANTARA, Thursday, May 25, Nugroho was charged with Article 310 paragraph (4) of Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Traffic and Freight Transport, with the threat of imprisonment for a maximum of 6 years and a fine of Rp. 10 million. He was considered negligent and because of his negligence it caused the lives of others to drift. The accident incident in the derivative of Rapak Balikpapan, which is exactly at the traffic light at the intersection of five roads, has often occurred and caused dozens of fatalities and injuries.

Related parties have taken steps to reduce the number of victims, namely by widening the road and making concrete walls next to the road as an emergency place if there are large vehicles that have difficulty braking.

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