
Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo said Central Java was ready to fully support the settlement of Pancasila carried out by the Indonesian Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP). For that, said Ganjar, the community, especially students, must get a good example.

This was conveyed by Ganjar after attending the National Awakening Dialogue event Towards Indonesia Raya as well as the Imposition of the Implementation of the Pancasila Education Book organized by BPIP RI at the Gradhika Bhakti Praja Building, Monday, May 22.

"This is with BPIP we work together to conduct one, educate the public, to students, how to ground Pancasila," said Ganjar Pranowo.

The event was attended by high school students and students from Semarang City. Including the Pancasila Education Teacher. In addition, the Head of the Education Office and Head of the Kesbangpol Agency throughout Indonesia were also present.

On that occasion, Deputy Chairman of BPIP Yudian Wahyudi handed over a certificate of appreciation from the Head of BPIP RI to the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo. BPIP also handed over the Pancasila Education Book to Ganjar and the Mayor of Semarang, Hevearita G Rahayu.

"The city of Semarang has prepared to implement it, so Central Java will fully support it," said Ganjar.

Ganjar Pranowo was happy because the students were involved in the event. According to him, they can understand Pancasila and implement it well through good teaching as well.

"Because they actually have a sense that they can get through a good way of teaching, namely discussion," he said.

The two-term Central Java governor said, besides that, the younger generation, in this case students, needed an example. Not only from parents, but from all components, especially the leaders of the country.

"So if the example is bad, yes this will not be implemented, then the leaders can all set a good example and the children will imitate it well," he said.

From there, Ganjar said children would become the agents of the eradication of Pancasila. It can even make good use of the digital world and is not easily influenced by radicalism.

The digital world, which now accompanies our children, can also be used as a medium to carry out the eradication of this Pancasila. "We will start from now on from Central Java," said Ganjar Pranowo.

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