
YOGYAKARTA Have you ever asked how much the minister's meal costs once a meeting? Related to this, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani set the latest rules contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 49 of 2023 concerning Standard Input Fees for Fiscal Year 2024.

In the regulation set on April 28, 2023 and promulgated on May 3, 2023, several things are regulated starting with the standard official travel fee, overtime obtained, meeting/meeting needs, including related to the procurement of electric vehicles for Civil Servants (PNS) and all public officials including ministers.

The rules regulate the costs spent on ministerial consumption during meetings. Referring to the rules, the consumption rights obtained by ministerial-level officials are a maximum of IDR 159,000 per person in one meeting. The total cost is detailed at IDR 110,000 for food and IDR 49,000 for snacks or snacks.

The budget for meeting and meeting consumption costs applies to ministers/echelons I/equivalently, such as director generals in ministries/agencies. Meanwhile, the cost of eating officials under Echelon I per meeting/budget meeting is adjusted to each province. This means that the cost of eating officials under Echelon 1 per inter-provincial meeting can vary.

For example, the maximum meeting consumption cost in DKI Jakarta is IDR 77,000, with details of the cost of eating IDR 53,000 per person at one meeting, while snacks are budgeted at IDR 24,000. The figure is different from West Java Province, which has a lower consumption money, which is a maximum of IDR 71,000 per person per meeting with details of IDR 50,000 in heavy foods and for snacks of IDR 21,000.

Interestingly, the largest cost of civil servant food is the Papua Mountains Province, which is Rp. 131,000, with details of Rp. 91,000 allocated for the main food while for snacks it is Rp. 40,000.

The lowest consumption costs are in Central Kalimantan Province, a total of IDR 58,000 with details of IDR 43,000 for heavy food and the rest for snacks, which is IDR 15,000.

In addition to the minister's meal fees for one meeting, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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