JAKARTA - The child who was victims of sexual violence from his biological father in Buol Regency, Central Sulawesi (Sulteng), has returned to his activities at school.
"Based on the results of the coordination of the information obtained, the victim's child has now returned to his activities and is undergoing the process of studying at school," said Deputy for Special Protection for Children of the Ministry of PPPA Nahar when contacted, Friday, May 19, as reported by Antara.
Nahar said that in guarding this case, the Buol Regency PPA UPTD accompanied the victim to the police, health checks and visum et repertum as well as psychological assistance.
"The Buol Regency PPA UPTD also plans to return to the home visit in the context of monitoring the condition of the victim's child in order to get continuous psychological recovery therapy," said Nahar.
Nahar added that the Women's and Children's Friends Team (SAPA 129) of the Ministry of PPPA is still coordinating with the Office of Women's Empowerment, Child Protection and Population Protection (DP3AK) and UPT PPA Central Sulawesi regarding the affordability and handling that has been provided.
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Furthermore, Nahar emphasized that child victims must continue to receive comprehensive psychological assistance in order to ensure that there is no sustainable trauma, either in the short term or in the long term so that the victim can return to life.
Previously, the Buol District Court (PN) Panel of Judges, Central Sulawesi, sentenced BK to rape his biological child with a sentence of 16 years in prison. Including additional castration and installation of electronic detectors.
Then impose an additional penalty in the form of announcing the identity of the perpetrator.
The Panel of Judges at the Buol District Court decided that the defendant BK was proven to have committed another crime of rape against his own 13-year-old biological child with a fine of Rp. 1 billion or a subsidiary of six months in prison.
The case of sexual violence by BK was carried out very barbaricly against his own biological child during the period 2020-2022. Previously, the perpetrator was sentenced to nine years in prison for committing a similar crime against his stepdaughter.
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