
BANYUMAS - Tens of thousands of Habib Syech fans gathered at the Satria Purwokerto Sports Hall, Banyumas, on Friday night May 12 with great enthusiasm to pray together at the Bersholawat Central Java event. The event was attended by Habib Syech bin Abdul Qadir Assegaf and the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo.

Apart from Ganjar, the Central Java event Bersholawat in Banyumas is even more lively with the presence of the Deputy Governor of Central Java, Taj Yasin Maimoen. Ganjar and Taj Yasin share the stage with Habib Syech and together work together with tens of thousands of people.

For more than two hours, thousands of Habib Syech fans pampered their longing for the idol. The voice of prayer and prayer sounded reverberating all over the place.

"Alhamdulillah, tonight we can gather together. In particular, tonight is very special because we can be together with the Governor and Deputy Governor at the Central Java Bersholawat event," said Habib Syech.

Central Java Bersholawat, continued Habib Syech, has been running for 10 years. Since Ganjar served as Governor of Central Java, this activity has been regularly held around the Central Java area.

"Hopefully until the end of the world, Central Java will continue to pray. Whoever the governor will replace him, hopefully Central Java will continue to pray. Because by praying, Central Java will become a safe and peaceful area," said Habib Syech.

On that occasion, Habib Syech asked Syechermania to pray specifically for the family of Ganjar's wife, Siti Atikoh, who is also a descendant of a large kiai. Siti Atikoh is the son of NU Purbalingga figure, KH AM Supriyadi, as well as the grandson of Kyai Hisyam Abdul Karim or who is familiarly called Mbah Hisyam Kalijaran.

"In the midst of us, the Governor, Mrs. Nyai Siti Atikoh is also present. We pray for his late father Kyai Supriyadi. His family is a figure of Ahlussunnah Waljamaah," he said.

Meanwhile, Ganjar Pranowo admitted that he had missed praying with Habib Syech and Syechermania. After some time ago it was stopped due to the pandemic and was only held online, this time the activities of Central Java Bersholawat were again held offline and attended by tens of thousands of Syechermanians.

"Saya beberapa hari lalu sowan Habib Syech. Berbicara sekitar 1,5 jam. Dan saya lega, karena dia bisa hadir di Purwokerto ini untuk bersholawat bersama kita semua," kata Ganjar.

Ganjar explained, the Central Java Provincial Government continues to strive to improve the welfare of the community. Many programs are carried out, including boosting economic growth through the development and assistance of MSMEs.

"This afternoon I released the export of 7 containers of MSME products to several countries. We are all working on this so that those who have micro-enterprises, and are accompanied by all of us can advance to class. Can go international," he added.

Ganjar believes that the Indonesian economy, especially Central Java, will bounce back. Thus, Indonesia will be more confident and more respected.

"So, the big dreams of the founders of the nation can come true. But whatever our efforts, will not succeed without prayer. Central Java Bersholawat is part of our efforts so that what we do is blessed," he concluded.

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