
YOGYAKARTA - Recently, it has been excited because of the case of a civil servant of SMPN 2 Pangandaran, West Java who resigned. It is known that the teacher is Husein Ali Rafsanjani who reported allegations of illegal levies (extortion) when he attended the Basic Training of Candidates for Civil Servants (Latsar) in October 2021. Let's finish some facts about ASN teachers resigning in Pangandaran!

Then the 27-year-old teacher told his story in social media TikTok with the @husein_ar account which is currently in the spotlight of netizens. Because of that confession, it attracted the attention of the Pangandaran Regent, Jeje Wiradinata, who invited Husein to meet to discuss the matter.

After he felt that he was exposed to extortion, Husein finally reported to the report.go.id site that had been provided by the government and used to be a complaint service. However, what Husein hopes does not seem to bear fruit, instead of being followed up, he actually reaps threats until he decides to resign from his job as a teacher.

First Report

Husein is a CPNS who passed the selection in 2019. He also explored Latsar for 2 weeks in October 2021 in Bandung. In the video, Husein explains why he dared to resign.

In the initial chronology, Husein left Pangandaran to Bandung. He received a letter of assignment with detailed calculations that had been financed by the state. But suddenly asked to pay off the transport money for departure.

Meanwhile, Husein did not join the group, but took a motorbike. Even so, he always pays the transport fee even though it makes him feel annoyed.

"But, yes, I paid at that time (not mentioning the nominal). Then when Latsar, suddenly I was billed again for IDR 350 thousand," he said in TikTok @husein_ar.

For Husein, even though the money that was billed back was below Rp. 1 million, for some people it could be insignificant, but according to him it was very large.

"At that time we were paid for 3 months without being paid. Really not paid yet, he said at the rapel. Yes, that's it. But it's really hard," he said.

To make sure the collector that at that time he did not have money, Husein gave a screenshot of the contents of the account balance which was not even up to IDR 500 thousand.

Because of such anomalies, Husein reported on the report.go.id page.

"I reported it in Lapor.go.id, I gave the list, I gave the screenshot of the collection, I gave the proof of the transfer there with good words, with the words I thought about with my friends," said Husein.

Summoned To The Pangandaran BKPSDM Office

Not long after Husein made information, his figure was sought. Because many were accused, Husein confirmed that he was the one who reported it.

Not only that, Husein was also called to lead to the office of the Pangandaran Regency Human Resources Management Agency (BKPSDM).

"I was surrounded by 12 people, I was in the middle of being twisted like that. Then I was asked why reported it? I said yes because I objected, I couldn't pay money that I didn't know what the money was for. The urgency, is that it," he said.

Husein received a reply, namely if the money was refocused for Covid-19. Husein then asked about the transfer message, to submit the submitted report. However, there is another alibi for which he has different arguments.

"They said they reasoned again, they said they didn't actually have the money. So because you were the laster at the beginning of online, suddenly offline. So, the funds haven't been prepared from the start," he said.

Threatened To Be Fired From Work

After that, Husein was tried for about 6 hours and threatened to be stopped if he did not submit a report because he thought it could interfere with the good name of the institution. Husein bravely even asked for a letter of dismissal. At that time he was 24 years old.

"I said, yes sir, I asked for his dismissal today, I said from there they were confused, they were threatening," he explained.

This problem in fact went wide to the school where he worked who was visited until he found out what the case was. But for him, the school where he is a teacher is fine.

"I feel aggrieved like that. It means I was harmed because I threatened someone else. I can't do it, if I threaten me, I don't have a problem. Only if I threaten someone else, it's hard for me," he said.

Pangandaran BKPSDM Explanation

The head of the Pangandaran BKPSDM, Dani Hamdan, answered that there was a viral video of Husein Ali Rafsanjani. He explained that Husein submitted his resignation with an alibi to end ASN.

He also admitted that his group had summoned Husein to the Pangandaran BKPSDM office. But regarding the never-ending resignation, Dani said that the resignation of civil servants was not easy.

"The postponement of civil servants is not that easy, bim salabim immediately, must go through a mechanism," he said, Wednesday, May 10, 2023.

Dani said the reason for Husein's resignation was not because of extortion. "It's wrong because there is extortion, what has to do with resignations due to extortion? It's not us. We should have asked at first it was from a mutual agreement," he said.

So after learning the fact that ASN teachers have resigned in Pangandaran, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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