
The East Java High Prosecutor's Office has detained three suspects in the alleged fictitious credit corruption crime at Bank Nasional Indonesia (BNI) Gresik Branch which resulted in a traffic jam in credit payments worth IDR 50.2 billion.

Head of the East Java High Prosecutor's Office Mia Amiati said that after being named a suspect, detention was carried out.

"However, there was one (suspect) who was 70 years old after being questioned by the Prosecutor's Clinical Team, it was declared impossible to be detained due to his health condition. Finally he was placed in city custody," Mia said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 10.

The three suspects are each Director of PT Janur Kuning Sejahtera (JKS) with the initials HAS and commissioner of PT JKS with the initials AK as the debtor who submitted a credit application.

"Then another suspect with the initials RSI as the middle credit center manager of PT BNI Gresik Branch," he said.

In this case, Mia said, PT JKS initially submitted a credit application at BNI Gresik Branch worth IDR 75 billion. The company, which has its address in Sukamanunggal, Surabaya, uses two fictitious work agreement letters from PT Pakuwon Jati as collateral worth IDR 118.8 billion and IDR 22.8 billion, respectively.

"Unfortunately, the work agreement submitted as a credit guarantee is fictitious," he explained.

The RSI suspect, who should be responsible for checking the guarantee, did not carry out his obligations so that the credit submitted by PT JKS was disbursed and eventually stuck because the construction company was unable to pay Rp50.2 billion.

"The provision of working capital credit facilities to PT JKS by BNI Gresik Branch is suspected of having deviated and did not comply with the guidelines of the medium-performance firm PT BNI," he said.

He explained that currently the Special Crimes Investigators (Pidsus) of the East Java Prosecutor's Office are continuing to investigate the alleged corruption case of this fictitious credit.

Meanwhile, the two suspects, namely AK and RSI, were detained at the Class I State Detention Center Branch in Surabaya at the East Java Prosecutor's Office. Meanwhile, the suspect with the initials HAS, who is 70 years old, was not detained because he was old.

"Special criminal investigators from the East Java Prosecutor's Office will continue to investigate this alleged fictitious credit corruption case," he said.

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