
TERNATE - TNI / Polri together with related agencies in North Maluku (Malut) alerted 2,100 joint personnel to secure the visit of Vice President Ma Ruf Amin to Ternate City and Tidore Islands on May 10-12.

"The 2,100 personnel who have been alerted have not counted as joint layer personnel during the working visit of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia in the North Maluku region," said Pangdam XVI/Pattimura Major General TNI Ruruh Aris Setyawibawa after the security force rally for the visit of Vice President Ma'ruf Amin in Ternate reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 9.

This can be seen from the WIP Security Forces Degree ceremony for the visit of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia in North Maluku Province in 2023.

Ruruh mentioned the honor for North Maluku with the arrival of the Vice President. As a good host, all parties are required to prepare as well as possible so that the Vice President feels comfortable in the area and gives a good impression.

For this reason, at this time, his party is focused on securing objects including Ternate City and Tidore Islands with a number of predetermined points.

The fixed procedures for securing and protocol for WVIP are emphasized as basic guidelines for carrying out tasks.

In addition, based on the latest coordination meeting, each person in charge of the security sector, both objects, routes have been determined.

"In addition, all VVIP security task forces carry out their duties with a full sense of responsibility accompanied by sincerity so that the entire VIP visit of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia can run safely and smoothly," said the Pangdam.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Chief of the North Maluku Regional Police, Brigadier General Eko Para Setyo Siswanto, instructed all personnel to understand their duties well, not to be careless, not to hesitate in acting by observing procedures and following them and reporting them if suspicious things are found.

He asked all personnel to prepare materials and personnel properly and the North Maluku Regional Police were ready to fully support the Vice President's visit.

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