
A total of 12 K9 sniffer dogs were alerted to secure the implementation of the 42nd ASEAN Summit, which peaked from Tuesday 9 May to Wednesday 11 May.

Temporary official of the K9 Detachment Administration Officer Aiptu Totok Setyono said his party placed a number of K9 sniffer dogs around the Meruorah Hotel area.

"Our activity is to detect all activities or threats related to explosives. We sterilize them using K9 of the Sabahara Corps Ditpolsatwa," he said in a statement, Monday, May 8, which was confiscated by Antara.

In its implementation, his party carried out sterilization together with the Jibom Team Gegana Brimob Polri and Paspampres.

He explained that his party was only involved as a detection team that was part of the Komodo Operations Preventive Task Force 2023, then joined in the Police and Paspampres bomb disposal units.

According to him, the objects targeted for examination or sterilization from K9 are the venues for the ASEAN Summit starting from hotels, airports, to other locations.

"Our activity is to carry out inspections in all areas that are objects or venues that are used as places for activities of the 42nd ASEAN Summit, including in hotels, airports, or in other places used in this activity," he said.

In addition to preparing 12 K9 sniffer dogs, his party also brought 35 sniffer dog handlers, all of whom came from the Directorate of Animals at the Sabhara Police Corps.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the NTT Police, Kombes Pol. Ariasandy said that the H-1 peak implementation of the ASEAN Summit was the security situation in NTT, especially in Labuan Bajo and its surroundings, which was under control.

He appealed to the public to help maintain the smooth implementation of the ASEAN Summit because the meeting of 11 ASEAN heads of state in Labuan Bajo made the nation proud and at the same time introduced NTT, especially Labuan Bajo, to ASEAN.

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