
A total of 124 police personnel from the Bogor City Police Traffic Unit were alerted to anticipate the volume density of vehicles due to the revitalization of the Otista bridge, Bogor City. The placement of 124 Satlantas personnel assisted by Transportation Service officers and others in four phases morning, afternoon, afternoon and evening. "So all Satlantas officers remain at their respective points for the four phases, only the members change," said Head of the Bogor Police Traffic Unit, Kompol Galih Apria. Traffic flow monitoring at the Tugu Kujang police post, Sunday, April 7. Kompol Galih explained in an effort to engineer traffic impact from the revitalization of the Otista Bridge which is one of the main access to the one-way system (SSA) along the intersection of Jalan Pajajaran Tugu Kujang to Jalan Otista, Jalan Ir H Djuanda, Jalan Sempur to return to Tugu Kujang went well. along the route there is Tugu Kujang as an icon of Bogor City, Pasar Bogor, Plaza Bogor, Kebun Raya Bogor, Suryakencana culinary center, BTM Mall, Bogor City Hall, Dempom, Bogor Palace, Lippo Plaza Keboen Raya, IPB Baranangsiang Campus and Botani Square Mall. Officers, said Galih, spread to intersection points such as Jambu Dua, Tugu Kujang, Suryakencana, Simpang Sukasari in front of Lippo Plaza Ekalokasari, Simpang Jalan Captain Muslihat direction Bogor Station and Denpom III/1 intersection on Jalan Ir H Djuanda. Kompol Galih explained when there was traffic density exceeding the 250 meters that had time There were several points on Saturday, May 6, so officers immediately imposed a one-way piecewise system. This means that some roads were pinched to drain traffic flow at that point, without disturbing the flow of vehicles from the opposite direction. However, there was an increase in traffic flow from the direction of traffic from the direction of traffic from the traffic from the direction of the Otista Bridge revitalization. Exiting the BORN Toll Gate and personnel need to be on alert always. "The congestion reported by the community is the warning of the volume of vehicles at the BORN Toll Gate and can be overcome and we will have an evaluation with the Bogor City Government for traffic light facilities and infrastructure at a number of points," he explained.

Meanwhile, said Galih, monitoring on Sunday, May 7, both CCTV, satellite monitoring, reports from members and their presence in the field, are quite smooth, there is no congestion anywhere. So we already know the pattern, Saturday is the pattern from 12 noon to 6-7 pm," he said.

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