
JAKARTA - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Friday the drone incident on Wednesday in the Kremlin was a "hostile act" and Russia would respond with "concrete action".

Russia accuses Ukraine of launching a drone into the Kremlin, in an attempt to kill President Vladimir Putin, saying the United States was behind the attack.

In response, Ukraine denied it, while the White House dismissed the allegation by saying it was a lie.

"It is clearly a hostile act, it is clear that the Kyiv terrorists are unlikely to do so without the knowledge of their fathers," Foreign Minister Lavrov told a news conference in India.

"We will not respond by talking about 'casus belli' or not, we will respond with concrete action," Foreign Minister Lavrov stressed.

'Casus belli' is a Latin term for an act that provides justification for war. Meanwhile, the Russian War in Ukraine has now entered its 15th month, although Moscow continues to describe it as a "special military operation".

As previously reported, the Russian Foreign Ministry said the alleged drone strike "should not be left unanswered", suggesting Kyiv had no desire to end the war on the negotiating table.

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