
Polda Metro Jaya cooperates with the Lampung Regional Police and other related parties to analyze the notes and letters allegedly belonging to Mustopa the shooter at the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Office.

Meanwhile, one letter containing Mustopa's outpouring said he was tired of fighting for justice. In addition, in another letter Mustopa also claimed to be the representative of the Prophet.

"In the initial conclusion, what has been conveyed by the Director of General Criminal Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya, of course, the notes, the evidence at this crime scene are part of our analysis in the investigation process," said Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko to reporters, Wednesday, May 3.

In the analysis process, several parties were involved, for example, the Lampung Regional Police forensic Psychology Association (Apsifor), Forensic Laboratory and others.

Then, the team has also been sent to Mustopa's house in Lampung. The goal is to find out more about the motive behind the shooting.

"In this process it is still sustainable, sustainable last night a team was also dispatched directly from Polda Metro Jaya to Lampung," said Trunoyudo.

For information, the police found a letter that allegedly belonged to Mustopa. The contents of the letter are;


"To the honorable head of the Metro Jaya Police Chief, after I brought a knife to your office, I still didn't get my right, namely justice or you did not bring me together with the chairman of the MUI of the Republic of Indonesia. I beg you as a law enforcer so that I am imprisoned for life / shot dead otherwise you do it.

"I swear on behalf of Allah and the Prophet I will look for firearms. I will shoot the rulers of officials in this country, especially the MUI people without first telling Slash asking permission for a second time to law enforcers Slash the police because I am tired of fighting for my rights, namely justice.

July 25, 2022

"respect me"

Mustofa NR

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