
JAKARTA - The commitment of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, to continue to fight for women's rights, has received appreciation from a number of circles. Puan's role in the welfare of female workers is considered to be a breath of fresh air in the world of Indonesian industry.

"What Puan Maharani said as a commitment of the DPR could be a breath of fresh air for workers in Indonesia, especially female workers who are more vulnerable," said Researcher at the Center for Political Research, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Luky Sandra Amalia, Tuesday, May 2.

On the commemoration of Labor Day 2023 yesterday, Puan conveyed her commitment to supporting female workers to get their rights. Amalia assessed that this was important considering that the partiality of companies in Indonesia towards female workers had not yet progressed as far as other countries.

"The realization of workers' rights or female workers needs support and collaboration between the DPR, the Government and industry players, according to their respective roles," he said.

"The existence of Puan Maharani as chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives and other women's representatives can strengthen the voice of the struggle of Indonesian workers or female workers," added Amalia.

According to her, the existence of Puan as the head of the Indonesian legislature institution plays a very important role in advancing the welfare of female workers or laborers. As a woman, said Amalia, Puan can understand the needs of female workers.

The alignment with Indonesian women can be seen from the results of the DPR RI's work in the current period. Starting from the ratification of Law No. 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence (UU TPKS) to the ratification of the Draft Law on the Protection of Domestic Workers (RUU PPRT) as an initiative of the DPR.

"Puan always stands at the forefront of fighting for women's rights. Under the leadership of Puan, the DPR finally ratified the TPKS Law after about 10 years of neglect. Until the most recent is the success of the DPR in making the PRRT Bill an initiative of the DPR after years of being swayed," said Amalia.

The female activist from the Sarinah Institute said that Puan's move to encourage the PPRT Bill to be passed needs appreciation. Given, according to Amalia, the PPRT Bill will serve as a guide for the State in providing protection to domestic workers who are dominated by female workers.

"This PRRT Bill will protect many female workers who occupy the largest number of workers in domestic/household areas," he said.

Therefore, Amalia assessed that the moment of Labor Day which is commemorated every May 1 needs to be supported by public figures regarding improving welfare for female workers. This is what Puan Maharani did.

"May 1, 2023, this is a good moment for us to improve the rights of workers in this country along with the Government's efforts to restore the Indonesian economy after the Covid-19 pandemic," said Amalia.

"However, these workers are one of the important pillars that supports the Indonesian economy. Among the workers, female workers are parties who are often more marginalized because they have neglected rights," he added.

Amalia reminded that female workers still have the right to carry out their nature as women or mothers. He said the State must ensure that the rights of women are protected so that they do not become a barrier for women to work like male workers.

"Puan's commitment is to provide a more gender-sensitive work environment, for example by presenting a law that is the legal umbrella for the welfare of mothers and children in all sectors," said Amalia.

As is known, the DPR under the leadership of Puan is currently also fighting for the Mother and Child Welfare Bill (KIA). The bill provides guarantees for women who work to get their rights, including the facilities needed when women have children.

Both in the form of proper maternity leave, guarantees are still employed by companies after giving birth, to facilities such as breastfeeding in the workplace. Amalia supports the DPR's efforts to provide a legal umbrella in an effort to provide a safe and comfortable workplace and healthy work environment for women.

"RUU KIA is a concrete form of the DPR's struggle regarding female workers. By encouraging the availability of special facilities or spaces for pregnant/breastfeeding women is an idea that needs to be supported by all parties so that this idea can be realized immediately," he explained.

Amalia also agreed with Puan who stated that women have the same opportunity as men in the world of work even though they have the nature to become a mother.

"This has been proven how many female leaders were born where they also managed to have achievements for their work. So it is very important for the awareness of all parties to fight for women's rights," said Amalia.

In commemoration of Labor Day 2023, Puan specifically reminded how important it is to pay attention to the needs of workers or female workers. Such as proper maternity leave and facilities for pregnant/featured women at work.

"This is what the DPR is fighting for through the Draft Law on Maternal and Child Welfare (RUU KIA). We want all female workers to get rights according to their nature, but at the same time have the same career opportunities as men," said Puan.

In addition to being committed to guarding the rights of female workers in Indonesia, Puan also emphasized the commitment of the Indonesian House of Representatives to continue to strive for the aspirations of workers or laborers. He hopes that workers will get as many benefits as possible through the work of the DPR.

"Through the legislative, budget and supervision functions carried out by the DPR, I hope that fellow workers can get more decent welfare," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

"Including creating a safe, healthy, and comfortable work environment for all workers or laborers in Indonesia. With a good work environment, I am sure the workers will give their best work," added Puan.

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