
TANAH DATAR- Minister of Defense (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto said he wanted to start a superior school in West Sumatra Province (West Sumatra) as a form of gratitude for the love that the people in the area gave him. "Actually, I still feel like I owe something to Tanah Minang, and feel I can't do much for Tanah Minang," said Prabowo Subianto in Tanah Datar Regency, Saturday, April 29. Namu, he admitted that he continued to think about what could be done and given to the people in Minang. Departing from it, finally Prabowo was determined to build a superior school in the province. "I say this not as a promise but as a debt. If I say this is already a debt, it means I must not forget what I say here," he asserted, as quoted by Antara. He said that what he aspired cannot be separated from the trust and loyalty given by the people of West Sumatra to him until now.

Pada kesempatan itu Prabowo menjelaskan alasan ia sudah cukup lama tidak kembali menginjakkan kaki ke Sumbar. Belum bisa berbuat banyak terhadap Tanah Minang menjadi faktor utama mantan Panglima Komando Cadangan Strategis Angkatan Darat (Pangkostrad) Ke-22 tersebut untuk menyambung silaturahmi dengan masyarakat setempat.Namun, kedatangannya kali ini Prabowo mencicil "utang" kepada masyarakat Sumbar dengan menyerahkan 20 unit ambulans yang nantinya diserahkan ke sejumlah RSUD dan RSUP Dr M Djamil Padang."Jangan dilihat dari materinya tapi lihatlah dari niat utang budi saya kepada masyarakat Tanah Minang," ujarnya.Di hadapan para tetua dan pemangku adat Minangkabau, anak mantan Menteri Keuangan Indonesia Prof Soemitro Djojohadikoesoemo tersebut mengaku terharu atas kehangatan dan rasa cinta masyarakat Sumbar terhadapnya.

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