
BOGOR Still in the atmosphere of Lebaran 2023, natural disasters hit five sub-districts in Bogor Regency, West Java. Around 884 residents and other infrastructure were affected by flooding. The Bogor Regency Government has declared a disaster emergency response.

Heavy rains of high intensity on Monday, April 24, caused the overflow of the Cidurian River that hit several villages in Jasinga District such as Kampungmen, Kampung Kalong Dagul, Silogak Village. One bridge connecting Kampungmen with Kalung Dagul Village was badly damaged.

The three villages are in Kalong Sawah Village. A total of 184 people and 48 houses were affected.

Other affected villages, namely Parung Sapi Village, Sipak Village. The condition of this village is isolated because the bridge is cut off and alternative routes cannot be passed. The bridge connecting Parung Sapi Village and Silogak Village was swept away by the swift current of the river. Based on reports, a number of officers and volunteers tried to penetrate the village to ensure whether or not the victims were affected.

Floods also occurred in Paku Village, Sadeng Village, Leuwisadeng. It was recorded that six neighborhood units (RT) were affected by the overflow of the Cintanggung River with a total of 700 victims. Currently, a number of residents have fled to safer places, one of which is in mosques. There were also at least 200 houses affected by the flood.

A total of 884 people were directly affected by the flood. 32 residents were injured. Two Cidurian and Cimanggung rivers overflowed. The flash flood also caused vital infrastructure to be damaged and isolated Parung Village," said Head of Prevention and Preparedness Division of the Bogor Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Agus Suyatna, Wednesday, April 26.

Agus continued, his party together with volunteers moved quickly in handling, especially to the refugees. The need for blankets and clothes will be distributed soon. Public kitchens and medicines have also been prepared.

In addition to flooding, land disasters also occurred in Babakan Village, Harkat Jaya Village, Sukajaya, and in Pancuran Village, Sukamakmur Village, Sukamakmur. Although it does not directly affect residents, this moving land phenomenon still has to be watched out for because it continues to move every day and cut off road access.

Head of the Emergency and Logistics Division of the Bogor Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Aris Nurjatmiko explained, at one point in Babakan Village, the seepage of water carrying a 14-meter-long layer of land shifted.

Bogor Regent Iwan Setiawan continued, from a number of disaster events, his party set a disaster emergency response so that the handling was faster and maximum. The Bogor Regency Government will soon hold a meeting related to disaster management.

"Disaster emergency response. BPBD to volunteers to be alert and responsive quickly, collect data, and handle refugees. Be careful of extreme weather that occurs at any time. This is also an appeal for tourists," he said.

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