
TAPIN - The Tapin District Police Team, South Kalimantan, arrested five detainees out of six people who escaped on the second day of Eid.

"Five people were arrested," said Head of Public Relations of the Tapin Police, AKP Agung Setiawan, as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, April 25.

Currently, the team is still hunting for one other detainee who also escaped.

"Waiting for the names of those arrested," said Agung.

Previously, six prisoners in drug cases escaped by breaking into the ceiling of the Tapin Police Detention Center on Sunday (23/4) in the morning.

"We sent a team, we have closed all the possibilities (of escaping)," said Tapin Police Chief AKBP Sugeng Priyanto.

The prisoners who escaped were Muhammad Riduan (39) from Parigi Village RT003 RW002 Bakarangan District, Tapin Regency (narcotics case/prosecutor's detention), Irfendi (34) from Kumbang Village, Regency, Banjar Regency (narcotics case/prosecutor's detention).

Then, Suriansyah (37) from Malutu Village, Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency (narcotics case/Res Tapin investigation process), and Muhyar (36) from Tatakan Village, Tapin Regency (narcotics case/Res Tapin investigation process).

Furthermore, Taufik (51) from Pemantang Karangan Village, Tapin Regency (narcotics case/Res Tapin investigation process), and Syarifudin (45) from Banua Anyar, Banjar Regency (narcotics case/Res Tapin investigation process).

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