
Spokesperson for the Ministry of Health, Dr. Mohammad Syahril, in his statement quoted by Antara in Jakarta, Monday, April 24, said that the current law related to legal protection for doctors, nurses, midwives, and other health workers was still not optimal.

Therefore, the government through the Ministry of Health proposes additional legal protection for health workers in the Draft Law (RUU) of Health. "In this bill, we will propose to add. So, it is not true that the information circulating if the bill removes protection. We actually add," said Syahril. He said that the legal protection articles are intended so that if there is a legal dispute, health workers do not directly deal with law enforcement officials before a settlement outside the court, including through ethical and disciplinary hearings. He stated that there are several new articles of legal protection proposed by the government, namely first, dispute resolution outside the court as stated in article 322 paragraph 4 of the government DIM. This article regulates medical personnel or health workers who have implemented disciplinary sanctions that have been imposed there are allegations of criminal acts, law enforcement officers are obliged to prioritize dispute resolution with a restorative justice mechanism. Second, protection for students as stated in article 208E paragraph 1 letter a DIM of the government. This article regulates students who provide health services entitled to legal assistance in terms of medical disputes during the course of education processes. Third, anti-bullying as stated in two articles, namely article 282 paragraph 2 DIM government and article 208E paragraph 1 letter d DIM government. Article 282 paragraph 2 of the government regulating medical personnel and health personnel can stop health services if obtaining treatment that is not in accordance with human dignity, morals, morals, as well as cultural social values, including acts of violence, harassment, and bullying.

Article 208E paragraph 1 letter d of DIM the government regulates students who provide health services to protect against physical, mental, and bullying violence.

Fourth, protection in an emergency as stated in Article 408 paragraph 1 DIM of the government, where medical personnel and health workers who carry out efforts to overcome the KLB and outbreak are entitled to legal and security protection and health insurance in carrying out their duties.

In addition, it is also stated in article 448B of the government DIM, where medical personnel or health workers who have abortions due to indications of medical emergencies or against victims of criminal acts of rape or other criminal acts of sexual violence that cause pregnancy are not convicted. "The articles of legal protection currently apply in the existing laws are also adopted and nothing is reduced," said Syahril.

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