
JAKARTA - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) continues to communicate with ministers to receive reports or provide directions regarding the flow of homecoming even though he is currently on leave for Eid 2023 in Surakarta City, Central Java.

"Keep monitoring the situation in the country, especially the problem of going home. So even though it's a holiday, the President still communicates with his ministers, can provide directions or ask for reports," said Deputy for Protocol, Press and Media of the Presidential Secretariat Bey Machmudin in a short message to reporters in Jakarta, Thursday, April 20.

Jokowi is scheduled to celebrate Eid 2023 in Surakarta City, Central Java, with his family. Currently, Jokowi is already in Surakarta City.

In Surakarta, said Bey, President Jokowi was only accompanied by very limited equipment. The Head of State asked the Palace staff to go home and spend time with their families.

Jokowi asked the ministers to take advantage of the 2023 Eid moment to gather with their families, both in Jakarta and in their hometowns. Therefore, Jokowi did not carry out the "open house" title.

"Because there is no PPKM anymore. So it is not a must to meet the President on Lebaran Day 2023," he said.

Bey explained that the President understands that the minister has a family who in Lebaran 2023 in the last three years have had difficulty gathering due to the imposition of restrictions on community activities (PPKM).

"The president understands that the minister has a family, and relatives who haven't seen each other for a long time. Last three Lebaran PPKM, there are still restrictions on the movement of the community, now PPKM is no longer there," Bey said, quoted by Antara.

In Surakarta, said Bey, President Jokowi was not accompanied by Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung or Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko. These officials usually accompany the President when he is out of town. "Each Lebaran with his family," said Bey.

This year is the first time the flow of homecoming has been after the revocation of PPKM status. The government estimates that the number of travelers will increase to 45 percent to 123 million travelers in Lebaran 2023 compared to 86 million travelers in 2022.

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