
BALI - Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko met coffee farmers throughout Bali, Jum'at April 14. On that occasion, he emphasized the importance of coffee farmers in Indonesia making transformations to meet increasingly strict global market standards. Namely by adopting modern technology in production to increase Indonesia's coffee productivity and quality.

Indonesian coffee farmers must innovate, don't be complacent. We must use modern technology and follow global market trends and needs. The language of marketing strategies is what the customer needs, not what the customer wants anymore," said Moeldoko.

According to him, Indonesia is one of the largest coffee producing countries in the world with excellent coffee quality. However, to maintain this position, coffee farmers in Indonesia must be willing to adapt to change.

The government itself, continued Moeldoko, has introduced various programs to support coffee farmers. Such as the development of technology and training to increase productivity and quality of coffee. He also hopes that coffee farmers will really take advantage of the opportunities and opportunities provided by the government.

Why does the government care about coffee farmers? Because coffee farmers are a source of foreign exchange because we are not importers. We always export, so our foreign exchange is safe," he said.

The 2013-2015 TNI Commander also hopes that in the future a strong collaboration will be built between the government and farmers and coffee industry players. So that the Indonesian coffee industry can dominate the global market.

"You can imagine with a population of 1.3 billion in the world, 30 percent drinking coffee. That's an extraordinary market in the future, very big," concluded Moeldoko.

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