
JAKARTA - A viral video on social media shows the theft attempt carried out by motorcyclists using helmets. Perpetrators when acting use objects resembling firearms.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tanjung Priok Police, AKP Alex Chandra, confirmed the attempted theft. The incident occurred in the Tanjung Priok area, North Jakarta, Thursday, April 6. He confirmed that the weapon used was an air softgun.

"That's right, yes, because we have confirmed the air softgun because there are two sewers. We have found it stuck to the door leaves," said Alex when confirmed, Saturday, April 8.

Alex explained that the incident began when the perpetrator tried to steal a motorbike at the location. However, the action was caught by a resident.

Suddenly the perpetrator tried to escape and fired two shots from his gun so that residents would not pursue the perpetrators.

So the owner is returning home. Then the motorbike in the parking lot, that's the boarding house area, there are 7 boarding rooms inside. So the motorbike was parked in the parking area, inside the fence. So the perpetrator broke the motorcycle ignition key. Then caught by one of the rented occupants, "he said

"Then run. Run then then fire the air softgun twice," he continued.

The perpetrators are still being chased by the perpetrators. Several CCTV footage have also been taken for further investigation.

"Still under investigation. We have secured CCTV. We are still searching for CCTV at the location," it closed

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