
The Palembang City Government, South Sumatra oversees the distribution of government rice reserves for food assistance in 2023.

Deputy Mayor of Palembang Fitrianti Agustinda in Palembang, Saturday, April 8, said that his party ensured that the aid rice would be right on target for residents in need, especially in this holy month of Ramadan.

"We make sure this reserve rice will reach the target, which is spread across 18 sub-districts in this city," he said.

The total number of recipients of the rice aid is for Palembang City 71,882 families (KK), with details for Alang-Alang Lebar District as many as 1,586 families, Small Hill 1,828 families, Gandus 5,109 families, West Ilir II 4,740 families, West Ilir I 3,711 families, and East Ilir II 2,689 families.

Ilir Timur District as many as I 2,208 families, Ilir Timur III 2,173 families, Jakabaring 4,561 families, Kalidoni 3,827 families, Kemuning 2,757 families, Kertapati 7,108 families, Plaju 5,865 families, Sako 2,415 families, Seberang Ulu II 7,237 families, Seberang Ulu I 7,351 families, Sematang Barang 2,090 families, Sukarami 4,627 families.

He explained that every KK gets 10 kg of rice in packaging, while in taking the aid, the recipients must bring their identity, such as their ID card and family card and a notification letter with a barcode from their respective urban villages.

Fitri said the rice was assisted by the Ministry of Food Security for the community. "This is one of the government's concrete steps to meet the availability of food," he said, quoted by Antara.

Previously, the Bulog Corporation for the South Sumatra Regional Office-Bangka Belitung (Sumsel-Babel) distributed 6,100 tons of government rice reserves for the food aid program in 2023.

Head of the South Sumatra Bulog Regional Office-Babel Mohamad Alexander said the rice distribution was a program from the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo and was processed by the National Food Agency (Bapanas) and Bulog was appointed as the executor of the activity.

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