JAKARTA - The Association of Indonesian Orthopaedi and Traumatology Specialists (PABOI) stated that the safety and continued impact of the non-medical alternative therapy used by Ida Dayak needs to be studied scientifically.
"I convey that science continues to develop, there is not a single knowledge that can claim the best knowledge. In addition, there is always a new disease, ” said the Chairman of the PABOI Expert Council for the period 2022-2025 Ferdiansyah in the Talk show on the Response to Non-Medic Orthopedic Medicine which was followed online in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, April 5.
Responding to the great enthusiasm of residents for the non-medical treatment of Ida Dayak, Ferdiansyah said that in an alternative treatment, monitoring of treatment management must be known clearly and structured.
Especially when it comes to bone problems, which in therapy must also pay attention to other parts such as nerves, muscles and even blood vessels attached to the bone.
" “ If we do manipulation in an improper way, it will actually make it difficult, especially what we are afraid of is blood vessels and nerves," said the chairman of the Kolegium Orthopedic and Traumatology for the 2019-2022 period.
According to him, if the patient experiences problems only in the bone, then the potential opportunity to recover is greater, although it is not certain that the bone position can return to its original state or carry out its function.
However, if the problematic part of the bone also hits the blood vessels, the worst impact that occurs in the patient is that it must be amputated. On the other hand, if it comes to nerves, paralysis will arise due to nerves that have the opportunity to be depressed, damaged or broken.
Ferdiansyah added, monitoring and reviewing therapy in the form of a new method can help people avoid feelings of regret because they have followed the therapy if the results are not in accordance with their expectations or worse.
“ Don't let the patient regret that many patients are vulnerable, namely people who have given up their illness, cannot be cured in the standard way they are. Don't sacrifice patients. So, we have to keep the patient from being sacrificed,” he said.
In addition to studying new sciences or finding the impact of treatment, studies, according to him, can also help find efficacy or efficacy of treatment and its quality to be considered in the world of medicine as a form of new treatment.
" “ We cannot turn a blind eye that science is growing rapidly and most importantly we can protect our society from getting even worse effects because we don't know the results because they are not monitored," he said.
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