
JAKARTA - The Directorate of General Crimes of Bareskrim Polri revealed two cases of criminal acts of human trafficking (TPPO) with the mode of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI). It is estimated that a thousand people became victims.

"Disclosure of the international network of criminal acts of trafficking in persons which this time consists of criminal acts of trafficking in persons," said the Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karo Penmas) of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan to reporters, Tuesday, April 4.

There are six suspects in this human trafficking case namely MA (53), ZA (54), SR (53), RR (38), AS (58), and OP (40). Those belonging to the two networks were arrested in Karawang, East Jakarta, and Sukabumi.

The first network of ZA and the US with the mode of being given jobs in Amman-Jordan-Saudi Arabia.

Then, the second network is the OP network. The victims were promised to work in Türkiye and Abu Dhabi.

"Information received by Bareskrim Polri originating from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from information from the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Amman, Jordan, related to the handling of cases of Indonesian citizens, especially PMI or Indonesian migrant workers who are indicated to be victims of the criminal act of trafficking in persons, where the victims promised to work abroad illegally," he said.

Meanwhile, the Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Djuhandhani Rahardjo Puro said that the network had started its activities since 2015. In fact, the number of victims reached a thousand people.

Thousands of people were deceived by the lure of working abroad. Of course with a large salary every month.

"This activity of illegally recruiting PMI (Indonesian migrant workers) has been carried out since 2015. So if we take our calculations up to 1,000 victims who have been sent," said Djuhandhani.

In this case, a number of pieces of evidence have been confiscated. Some of them included 97 passports, 2 airplane tickets, 17 notebooks, 4 bank statement printouts, 18 account books, 6 mobile phones, and 17 Etihad boarding passes.

The suspects were charged with Article 4 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 21 of 2007 concerning the Eradication of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO) with a maximum threat of 15 years in prison, and/or Article 81 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 18 of 2017 concerning Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers juncto Article 86 Letter B Republic of Indonesia Law Number 17 of 2017 concerning Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers.

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