
JAKARTA - The accident occurred on the JORR Cakung toll road, Cakung District, East Jakarta, Monday, April 3. As a result of the accident, at least 6 clan service workers suffered serious injuries when the pick-up vehicle was hit by a container truck.

The accident allegedly occurred when a container truck had a tire burst, causing it to fall and hit another car.

The workers who were in the pick-up car were lying on the side of the road with a number of wounds all over their bodies and heads.

According to information gathered, the accident started when a container truck drove from Bekasi to Tanjung Priok. The truck hit a pick-up car on the edge of the toll road and was about to start working.

As a result of the accident, six workers bounced and were dragged by the truck. Meanwhile, the pick-up car suffered severe damage after being dragged and hit the concrete of the toll barrier.

According to a resident's statement, Sinta said the oranges who were injured were the clan service workers. They were cleaning the grass and then getting into the pick-up car.

"From there there there was a truck. From the tire truck it was flat, it swerved and finally nubbed. This (pick up) car wanted to get out there, (the victim) mentally and fell," he told reporters, Monday, April 3.

Sinta said the truck was not wrong because it had a flat tire or a tire burst.

"The workers who bounced about 6 people, they wanted to go home in the car. They bounced and some got under the clan service car, some were far away mentally," he said.

Meanwhile, the six victims were then evacuated to the nearest hospital. The accident case was handled by the East Jakarta Regional Traffic Unit.

The Head of Traffic for the Cakung Police, AKP Eko, said that the accident in the toll road was not handled by his party.

"So those who handle it from the PJR will be handed over to East Laka, Laka, who is in the East Jakarta Satwil," he briefly told VOI.

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