
The trial of using compressed natural gas (CNG) as gas fuel was carried out by PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) together with its subsidiary PT Gagas Energi Indonesia. Indeed, what is the excess of CNG for energy?

PGN tried to apply CNG on three automatic motorbikes. Each motorcycle is given gas fuel of 2.5 liters equivalent to premium (LSP). From this experiment, one Vespa motorbike can cover a distance of 104 kilometers (km). With the use of 2.5 LSP, this motorbike can cover a distance of 41.6 km.

Rachmat Hutama, Secretary of PGN, said this trial was carried out to measure the maximum distance that motorcycles can take using 2.5 LSP BBG. In addition, this test also shows the efficiency rate of fuel consumption costs for vehicles. There are several excess CNG for energy.

The Indonesian government continues to strive for the use of CNG to replace Pertalite type fuel. CNG gas fuel has been used in less than 2 percent of vehicles worldwide. The number of users continues to increase over time and the increase in oil prices.

The government continues to strive for the use of CNG because this gas fuel has a number of advantages compared to fuel. Here are some of the excess CNG for energy.

CNG is said to be cleaner than gasoline and diesel fuel. By using CNG, vehicles can be more environmentally friendly. The use of CNG can reduce greenhouse gas emissions from 15 percent to 27 percent, depending on the type of vehicle.

The price of CNG is cheaper than fuel. The cost of production to process natural gas into CNG is said to be cheaper than the crude oil extraction process. Because CNG is in the form of gas, there is no need for distillation. The production cost is 50 percent lower than diesel or gasoline. Thus, CNG-fueled vehicles have lower operating costs than fuel vehicles.

Apart from having a number of advantages, it is undeniable that there are some shortages of CNG. Here are some shortcomings and CNG gas fuel.

Global prices of natural gas are also influenced by wild fluctuations, such as diesel and gasoline prices. For example, in India in 2014 and 2022, CNG vehicles increased due to low natural gas prices. This phenomenon makes natural gas demand higher so that the price also jumps drastically compared to gasoline and diesel.

There is a study that says that the use of CNG gas fuel is not always clean to the environment. There is even a study that states that CNG waste trucks produce higher greenhouse gases than diesel vehicles.

This condition occurs because the weight of the vehicle increases and the length of silence of the garbage vehicle. So the level of cleanliness and impact on the greenhouse is very dependent on the use of the user.

Although the price is cheaper than fuel, CNG is said to be less efficient. The use of CNG fuel must have a larger tank than the tank in diesel and gasoline. Natural gas compressed 3.5 times more energy-intensive than gasoline. It takes a volume many times more to produce the same amount of energy.

Vehicles that use CNG fuel need 17 percent more energy to operate than diesel vehicles. So you could say the use of CNG is more wasteful than diesel and gasoline.

Such is the review of the excess CNG for the energy that makes this fuel continue to be pursued to replace Pertalite. Although some of these advantages are very helpful for humans and the environment, CNG also has a number of shortcomings.

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