
JAKARTA - The sidewalk in the area of Cempaka Putih Raya Street, Cempaka Putih District, Central Jakarta, is filled with carts selling street vendors. pedestrians often complain about this condition. The sidewalk is controlled by a merchant cart that holds it at will on the sidewalk. Two-wheeled vehicles or motorbikes also park on this sidewalk.

"Want to walk on the sidewalk can't pass because it's blocked by traders' carts selling on the sidewalk," said Budi (39), a pedestrian, Monday, April 3.

From observations at the location, the merchant cart that rises on the sidewalk occurs before the month of Ramadan. And this was allowed by the local city government which finally increased a lot.

"Yes, it is difficult to pass on this sidewalk. Even though the function of the sidewalk is not for traders' cart stalls but for pedestrians," said Budi.

Responding to this problem, the Deputy Mayor of Central Jakarta, Chaidir, will follow up on the complaint.

"Monitor, ready to be forwarded to the relevant. Thank you," he said briefly.

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