Shinta Nuriyah Wahid Invites All Religious People To Guard Brotherhood Rope
The fourth First Lady of the Republic of Indonesia attended breaking the fast together (Photo: Antara)


JAKARTA - The fourth First Lady of the Republic of Indonesia Dr (HC) Hj. Shinta Nuriyah Wahid invites all religious people to maintain the bonds of brotherhood, love and mutual respect and love so that they can live in harmony and peace.

"Because uniting together will be the main teacher's support for the establishment of the State of Indonesia. With a safe and peaceful situation, it will certainly become an echoing country for jinawi," he said while attending the breaking of the fast together in Kampung Sawah Segaran Undaan Lor, Undaan District, Kudus Regency, in Kudus, Sunday, quoted by Antara.

The invitation to maintain brotherhood against all religious people is conveyed, because those who attend iftar events together are not only attended by Muslims, but there are other religious people, such as Christianity, Buddhism, Confucianism and the flow of appreciation of trust.

In order to realize the ties of brotherhood between believers, he said, while accompanying Abdurahman Wahid or Gus Dur while serving as President of the Republic of Indonesia, he often held sahur events together with marginalists, including buskers, dhuafa, vegetable traders in traditional markets, construction workers, and pedicab drivers.

The purpose of inviting sahur together with the poor, among others, is so that they can fast as well as possible.

Another goal, namely to unite everyone, can live in harmony and peace, because together will become the main teacher Soko for the establishment of the Indonesian nation.

While the event is open together, he added, it has never been because many have organized it. Meanwhile, those who organize and those who are invited sometimes also do not fast.

In contrast to the joint sahur event, he said, it aims to provide the best marginalization for eating sahur, because so far they have not necessarily been able to prepare it well.

In fact, he said, his party also did not hesitate to work together in an unusual place, such as under the bridge where the construction workers lived temporarily.

"If Sahur together with the vegetable stalls in the market, yes, in the middle of them selling, because of course they also can't prepare the sahur menu as well as possible," he said.

Meanwhile, sahur together with buskers and pedicab drivers, he said, will be held in the square or near the terminal or station.

"Because also with other religious communities, the implementation can also be carried out in the church yard and pagoda or anywhere, because we are brothers," he said.

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