
JAKARTA - Plt. Head of the DKI Jakarta Health Office, Ani Ruspitawati, said that reducing the capacity of COVID-19 patient isolation beds in Jakarta would not cause problems.

The reduction in bed capacity is stated in the Governor's Decree of DKI Jakarta Number 196 of 2023 concerning Amendments to Governor's Decree Number 891 of 2021 concerning Determination of Isolation Locations and Standard Operating Procedures for Management of Isolation Locations in the Context of Handling COVID-19.

According to Ani, people who have been confirmed positive for COVID-19 when the pandemic has been running for three years have experience and can undergo self-isolation.

"People are like that if there are positive ones, they can have enough information. So, we can isolate ourselves," said Ani when met at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Building, Wednesday, March 29.

Moreover, said Ani, currently the majority of people exposed to the corona virus experience mild and asymptomatic symptoms. Severe symptoms are only suffered by patients who have comorbid diseases and have not been vaccinated.

Ani said that this condition also made the central government no longer provide centralized isolation locations for COVID-19 patients at the Wisma Atlet COVID-19 Emergency Hospital.

"Indeed, now there is no longer any controlled isolation. Maybe later there will be discussion preparations to function again to its function. Later there will be further discussions," said Ani.

Oleh, Ani menuturkan Pemprov DKI masih menyiapkan 10 persen tempat di rumah sakit umum daerah (RSUD) untuk perawatan maupun isolasi pasien COVID-19.

"Our hospital still provides several beds that are alerted for COVID patients. According to the PMK (Government of the Minister of Health), we always prepare 10 percent of beds for isolation," he explained.

When the transmission of COVID-19 cases in Jakarta and various parts of Indonesia increases, the DKI Provincial Government provides COVID-19 isolation bed capacity for 26,134 people. This is contained in the Governor's Decree (Kepgub) Number 891 of 2021.

Then, in the Governor's Decree of DKI Jakarta Number 196 of 2023, Heru reduced the isolation capacity of COVID-19 patients to 11,134 beds.

During the pandemic, the places used as places for isolation of COVID-19 patients provided by the DKI Provincial Government include flats, tourism grants, sports arenas (GOR), village official houses, schools, and RPTRA.

Then, the reduction in the capacity of COVID-19 isolation beds was carried out at the Pulogebang Milling Flats (Rusun), the Manggarai Grass Market Flats, the Elok Pinus Flats, and the Daan Mogot Flats (Pesakih Tower 6 and 7 Flats).

These four flats are no longer a place of isolation because they will be converted to housing for low-income people affected by the DKI Provincial Government program. Then, the Nagrak Flat which is still provided as a place for COVID-19 isolation also experienced a reduction in capacity.

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