
BOYOLALI - Director of Special Criminal Investigation at the Central Java Police, Kombes Dwi Subagio, explained that his party was aware of the practice of grounding beef in Boyolali. Dwi said that the findings were immediately followed up by conducting an investigation.

However, said Dwi, the case of groundong beef found in Tanduk Village, Ampel Boyolali is now being handled by the Boyolali Police.

"The Boyolali Criminal Investigation Unit is processing the complaint, its status is still under investigation (investigation) and waiting for laboratory results related to whether it is really pure meat or meat," said Dwi via text message, Tuesday, March 28.

The National Police Headquarters Food Task Force has found the practice of selling dazed meat in Tanduk Village, Ampel Boyolali, Central Java. Based on information received, officers carried out raids on the location on Saturday, March 25.

From the results of the raid, officers obtained a number of evidences of groundong beef with a weight of about 196.5 kg, and several 1.5 inch tubes.

Not only that, but the officers also managed to secure one business owner with the initials KW, a native of Boyolali.

From the results of the officer's interrogation, it was found that the beef was carried out in Besuki Village, Ampel, Boyolali, owned by a man with the initials ARI.

According to the officer's statement, the illegal practice had been going on for 13 days, 1 cow weighing about 190 kg per day.

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