JAKARTA - DPR Member Ary Egahni Ben Bahat who is also the wife of Kapuas Regent Ben Brahim S Bahat, resigned from the NasDem Party after being named a suspect in the case of cutting payments for civil servants (PNS) in Kapuas, Central Kalimantan and accepting bribes.
Ary Egahni is said to have verbally conveyed his resignation to the NasDem Party DPP board. Ary has also been detained by the KPK and her husband.
"In the case of Mrs. Ary, she has met me and has declared her verbal resignation," said Deputy Secretary General of the NasDem Party, Hermawi Taslim when contacted, Tuesday, March 28.
Hermawi explained, in accordance with the NasDem Party integrity pact, every legislative candidate or member must resign if he is involved in a corruption case.
"In the integrity pact that has been signed by all legislative candidates, if the suspect is in a corruption case, he must resign or his membership is revoked," explained Hermawi.
Therefore, according to him, Ary's steps to resign are in accordance with the rules of the party's play. Currently, said Hermawi, the NasDem Party DPP is waiting for Ary's official resignation letter as a cadre.
"We are waiting for the official letter," he said.
Sebagaimana informasi, Bupati Kapuas Ben Brahim S. Bahat dan istrinya yang merupakan anggota DPR Komisi III Ary Egahni resmi bergupi orange. Pasutri ini jadi tersangka memotong pembayaran pegawai negeri sipil (PNS) di Kapuas, Kalimantan Tengah serta menerima suap.
"For the needs of the investigation team, the investigative team detained the suspects," said Deputy Chairperson of the KPK Johanis Tanak to reporters at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Tuesday, March 28.
This detention will be carried out for the first 20 days at the KPK Detention Center at the Red and White Building. Ben and Ary were detained from March 28 to April 16.
In this case, Ben as Regent of Kapuas for two terms is suspected of receiving facilities and money from Regional and Private Work Units (SKPD).
"While AE as the wife and member of the DPR is also suspected of actively interfering in the government process, among others, ordering several SKPD heads to meet their personal needs in the form of giving money and luxury goods," Johanis explained.
Johanis said the source of the money came from the official budget post at the Kapuas Regency Government SKPD. Meanwhile, its use is related to the operational costs of both when contesting politics.
"We use BBSB, among others, for operational costs when participating in the Kapuas Regent election, the election for the Governor of Central Kalimantan including for the participation of AE, who is the wife of BSBB in the 2019 DPR legislative election," he said.
In addition, Ben is also suspected of accepting bribes related to the processing of plantation location permits. "Regarding the amount of money received by BBSB and AE so far, the amount is around Rp. 8.7 billion, which includes paying two survey institutions," said Johanis.
The amount of this money can still increase because the anti-corruption commission is still moving. Next, the KPK also revealed that there were other requests for the private sector to prepare the masses when competing in the election for regents, governorial elections, and legislative elections.
As a result of their actions, Ben and Ary were suspected of violating Article 12 letter f and Article 11 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) to 1 of the Criminal Code.
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