
TANGERANG - Head of the TPI Soekarno-Hatta Special Class I Immigration Office, Muhammad Tito Andrianto, said that 224 foreign nationals (WNA) from various countries were denied entry to Indonesia. The data was recorded from January to March 2023.

"There are 224 foreigners that we have refused their arrival. Where, the countries that dominate are Nigeria, Asean, and the majority of Asian countries," Tito told reporters at Soekarno Hatta Airport, Tuesday, March 28.

Tito also detailed that the majority of the hundreds of foreigners who were rejected did not meet the criteria in Permenkumham No. 34 of 2021 as many as 65 people, did not have enough living expenses to be in Indonesian territory as many as 20 people, had no clear purpose and purpose as many as 78 people.

"The use of fake documents was included in Interpol's HIT list," he said.

In addition to refusal, said Tito, Soetta Airport immigration has also deported 39 foreigners. Because it has made local residents restless.

"There are 39 foreigners that we deported, apart from making trouble, after we checked it turned out that they did not have a permit or visa that was in accordance with the rules," he concluded.

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