
JAKARTA - The Coalition for Amendments to the Unity (KPP) that carries Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate (candidate) in 2024 has been officially formed. The formation of this coalition was marked by the signing of a certificate of declaration by NasDem, Democrat, and PKS.

However, this coalition has not been officially declared because it is still waiting for other parties to join as well as look for vice presidential candidates (cawapres), Anies' companion. PKS hopes that as soon as possible KPP can declare a declaration.

"Akad sudah, tinggal walmah, berharap bisa deklarasi segera," ujar Ketua DPP PKS Mardani Ali Sera, Sabtu, 25 Maret.

Mardani said KPP was looking for the right momentum to at the same time announce the 2024 presidential and vice presidential candidate packages.

"Including the presidential and vice presidential packages. Pray for more good moments," he continued.

According to Mardani, with the signing of the declaration certificate, the struggle of the three political parties to nominate Anies is in sight. Moreover, this coalition has met the 20 percent presidential threshold.

"The uniform has a firm and clear declaration, so it's just a step away. This cooperation charter is a strong foundation for healthy and character politics. We want value politics and politics to be transparent," said the member of Commission II of the DPR.

Sementara sebelumnya, Ketua DPP Partai NasDem Willy Aditya, mengungkapkan alasan pengumuman pembentukan Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan (KPP) belum langsung disecahkan. Menurutnya, momen deklarasi akan dijadikan acara besar dengan sekaligus mengumumkan koalisi, calon presiden, serta calon wakil presiden 2024.

In addition to still looking for Anies' companion figure, Willy said, KPP is also waiting for additional new members before the declaration. Currently, he said, the three parties are exploring communication with other political parties.

"We have opened communication with many parties. Earlier, why haven't we determined when there will be a big declaration, it's hoped that other parties can join," concluded Willy at the Change Secretariat, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Friday, March 24.

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