
YOGYAKARTA - Recently, there has been a lot of news about the disturbing actions of foreigners in Bali. The island of Bali has indeed become a destination for foreigners to travel to settle for a long time. To be able to stay long enough in Indonesia, foreign nationals (WNA) need a limited stay permit. What is a limited stay permit (ITAS)?

Not a few foreign tourists who travel to Indonesia then decide to stay for a long time. At first, maybe just a vacation, but because it is comfortable and comfortable, the foreigner then stays for a certain period of time. There are several factors that are the reason for foreigners to stay longer, ranging from their friendly society, interesting culture, to the beauty of nature.

However, foreigners must have a limited stay permit (KITAS) to be able to stay for a long time in Indonesia. So what is a limited stay permit and what are the requirements to get a KITAS?

A limited stay permit (ITAS) is a permit granted to foreign nationals (WNA) to be able to live and be in Indonesian territory for a limited period of time. To obtain a limited stay permit, a foreigner must have a Limited Stay Permit Card (KITAS).

KITAS is a licensing document for foreigners who want to live in Indonesia within a certain period of time. KITAS is different from visa. Visa is only used as a permit to enter a country and for a very limited period of time in a matter of days or weeks.

Meanwhile, if foreigners want to stay in Indonesia for a longer time, they need KITAS. This permit document is intended for foreign workers who come to Indonesia for work, retirement, and so on.

Not all foreigners can apply for a limited stay permit (ITAS). KITAS documents are only given to:

a. Foreigners who legally marry Indonesian citizens (WNI).

b. The son of a foreigner who legally married an Indonesian citizen.

c. Children born in the territory of Indonesia from father and/or mother who have a Limited Stay Permit Card.

d. Foreign citizens who enter the territory of Indonesia with a limited stay visa or a foreigner who is given a status transfer from a residence permit.

e. Captains, crew members, or foreign experts on board ships, floating equipment, or installations operating in Indonesian waters and jurisdictions in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

f. Limited Stay Permit Cards can also be given to Foreigners to do short work.

Foreigners can apply for KITAS to the Head of the Immigration Office or Immigration Officer whose working area includes the place of death of foreigners. The following are the requirements for taking care of KITA for foreigners, reported from the immigration.go.id page.

The cost of making KITAS has been regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 9/PMK.02/2022 concerning Types and Tariffs for Types of Non-Tax State Revenue of Urgent Needs for Immigration Services Applicable to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number 28 of 2019 concerning PNBP Tariffs within the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

The amount of costs that must be incurred to take care of KITAS can vary, depending on the type KITAS and the duration of the residence permit. Here are the details of the cost of making KITAS:

Demikian informasi mengenai apa itu izin tinggal terbatas bagi WNA. Untuk bisa tetap dalam waktu lama di Indonesia, seorang WNA perlu memiliki KITAS. Proses pembuatan KITAS di kantor Imigrasi membutuhkan waktu sekitar empat hari setelah data biometric (sidik jari, foto, dan tanda tangan) diterima dan disetujui.

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