
JAKARTA - The police finally arrested DH, the driver of the car who hit the GrabWheels electric scooter driver in the Senayan area, Jakarta some time ago. This detention was carried out after examining eight witnesses.

"The title of the case is carried out today from 08.00 to 11.30, the person concerned (DH) fulfills the criminal element, has been named a suspect, and has been detained," said the Head of the Metro Jaya Police, Inspector General Gatot Eddy Pranomo at Polda Metro Jaya, Monday, 18 November.

DH was charged under Article 310 in conjunction with Article 311 of Law Number 22 Year 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation. So, the male figure who is widely said to be the son of DPD member Emma Yohanna, must be behind bars - at least - until the trial process is completed.

"The threat of punishment for his actions is more than 5 years," said Gatot Eddy.

As previously reported, an accident involving a GrabWheels electric scooter rider occurred on Sunday (10 November). In that unfortunate incident, two people were killed and four were injured.

After the GrabWheels Case

Grab Indonesia and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government have coordinated in implementing strict rules regarding the use of the GrabWheels electric scooter. One of them is by reducing the speed of electric scooters and fines for users who violate GrabWheels rules.

Head of Public Affairs Grab Indonesia Tri Sukma Anreiano said fines would be imposed on electric scooter users who violate regulations, including the Traffic Law.

"The fine is Rp. 300 thousand, up to the suspension of the Grab account," he said.

Tri said the sanski would be imposed on users who do not wear helmets, ride on motorcycles, underage riders, operate scooters outside the provided lanes and cross pedestrian bridges.

According to Tri, from the start the regulation had actually been explained to GrabWheels users. However, this is often violated. Therefore, Tri said Grab would increase education and socialization of the use of GrabWheels to its users.

The sanctions, said Tri, will be implemented in the near future. Currently, his party is still discussing it. "We are targeting in the near future, because we are still preparing the regulations," he said.

In addition, to increase safety, Grab has limited the speed of GrabWheels to only 15 kilometers per hour. Grab will also create a special 6-kilometer line for electric scooters in the Gelora Bung Karno area. Tri also admitted that Grab took this step after the GrabWheels accident last week which caused two fatalities.

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