
SURABAYA - Chairman of the Surabaya City Bawaslu, M. Agil Akbar, has warned unregistered survey agencies not to hold quick counts. If not, then Bawaslu will take firm action against the survey agencies that do quick counts of the Surabaya Pilkada.

"If a survey institution that does a quick count is not registered with the KPU, it is a violation. So we will proceed with the handling of the violation," said Agil, confirmed on Wednesday, December 9.

This is in accordance with articles 47-54 of KPU Regulation (PKPU) Number 8 of 2017 concerning Socialization, Voter Education and Public Participation in the Election of Governors and Deputy Governors, Regents and Deputy Regents and Mayors and Deputy Mayors.

"What does that mean, if 30 days before the vote have not been registered with the KPU, then we can be sure that the survey institute is illegal," said Agil.

In addition, Article 52 PKPU 8/2017 also regulates a sanction mechanism through an ethical board of five people consisting of two academics, two professional / expert survey institutions and one member of the Provincial or Regency / City KPU.

"Of course we will be sanctioned because it violates," he said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Surabaya KPU, Nur Syamsi, said there were five survey institutions registered with the KPU that would hold a quick count. Namely Charta Politika Indonesia, Indo Barometer, Poltracking Indonesia, Surabaya Survey Center, and Populi Center.

"So, there are five survey institutions that have been registered with the KPU. Beyond that, they are illegal," he explained.

The 2020 Surabaya Pilkada was followed by pairs of two candidate pairs. Candidate candidate pair number 1 Eri Cahyadi and Armudji. Meanwhile, the number two candidate pair Machfud Arifin-Mujiaman.

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