
YOGYAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) has issued a regulation regarding the conversion or modification of ordinary motorbikes into battery-based electrical energy. The modification regulation is contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation (Permenhub) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 65 of 2020.

Following up on this regulation, the Directorate General of Land Transportation (Ditjen Hubdat) believes that electric vehicles can be environmentally friendly sustainable transportation. Given the higher motor vehicle emissions in a number of big cities.

"The world trend is now leading to energy saving. And vehicles have switched to energy-efficient and non-polluting. It also encourages the electric vehicle industry," said Dewanto Purnacandra as Head of the Sub-Directorate for Motor Vehicle Type Testing of the Directorate of Road Transportation Facilities, in the socialization of Laws and Regulations. invitation from the Land Transportation Division in Yogyakarta, Tuesday, December 8.

According to him, this is an opportunity for Indonesia to take over the automotive world. At least, it can compete with developed countries which already have electric motorized vehicle technology.

In accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 55 of 2019 concerning the Acceleration of the Battery Electric Vehicle Program for Road Transportation, it is necessary to convert motorbikes driven by combustion motors into battery-based electric motorbikes.

"First, increasing energy efficiency, energy security, and energy conservation in the transportation sector, and the realization of clean energy, clean air quality and environmentally friendly, and Indonesia's commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions," he explained.

Furthermore, it provides direction, foundation, and legal certainty in the acceleration of the battery-based electric motor vehicle program for road transportation. Encourage mastery of industrial technology and vehicle design and make Indonesia the base for production and export of motor vehicles.

"Every motorcycle with a motor fuel that has been registered and identified can be converted into a battery-based electric motorbike. In PM 65/2020, it is explained that what can be converted is a motorbike that already has a STNK," Dewanto added.

In the conversion of an electric motorbike, there are several components that are converted, including battery components, battery management systems, direct current voltage drop (DC to DC converter), electric motors, controllers / inverters, battery charging inlets, and other supporting equipment.

Dewanto explained that the requirement for conversion can only be carried out by public workshops that have received ministerial approval through the Director General as a conversion workshop.

"Apart from that, it also fulfills the requirements of the conversion workshop in terms of technician competence, special equipment for installing electric motorbike installation equipment, hand tools and powered equipment, test equipment, and others," Dewanto explained.

To meet the technical and roadworthiness requirements, every motorbike that has been converted will be tested. These tests include checking the eligibility of electric motor drives and testing the physical type of Electric Motor Vehicles.

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