
JAKARTA - Minister of Health (Menkes) Terawan Agus Putranto appealed to the public not to travel anywhere after voting for the regional elections at the polling stations (TPS) on December 9 tomorrow.

Terawan reminded the public to adhere to 3M's health protocol, namely wearing masks, maintaining a safe distance, and washing their hands when distributing their voting rights.

In addition, those who come to the TPS must be ensured that they are in good health and follow a predetermined schedule.

"Maintain your stamina with a clean and healthy lifestyle. Come to the polling station according to schedule, use a mask, maintain a safe distance, wash your hands with soap with running water, and immediately go home after voting," said Terawan in a video statement broadcast on Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) YouTube account, Tuesday, December 8.

Terawan reminded voters who returned home after voting from the TPS to first clean up before interacting with their families at home.

He also asked people who would vote to be disciplined in implementing health protocols to avoid being exposed to COVID-19.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my prospective voters invite everyone to be disciplined, disciplined, and disciplined in implementing health protocols in order to avoid transmission of COVID-19 in the 2020 simultaneous regional elections," said former Head of the Central Army Hospital (RSPAD) Gatot Subroto.

"Let's be disciplined in implementing health protocols. Unite our determination to succeed in a healthy and safe COVID-19 Pilkada," he added.

It is known, the 2020 Pilkada which will be held on Thursday, December 9 will be held in 9 provinces, 224 regencies and 37 cities.

Regarding the implementation of voting, many new things will be discovered by people holding the right to vote at polling stations (TPS) and have been designed by the General Election Commission (KPU) to prevent the occurrence of COVID-19 transmission during the voting process.

As shown on the KPU RI YouTube account, there are a number of new regulations in implementing safe voting for COVID-19 and must be followed by voters. First, voters who come to polling stations (TPS) are required to wear masks. Next, voters must maintain a safe distance.

Third, voters are required to wash their hands when they arrive at the TPS, when going to vote, and after voting at the hand washing facilities that have been provided.

Fourth, before entering the TPS, voters will have their body temperature measured. Voters with a high body temperature or more than 37.3 degrees Celsius will be invited to vote in a special voting booth.

Fifth, in order to prevent transmission through touch, voters are required to wear plastic gloves provided by the TPS committee when voting. Sixth, different from ordinary years, in the midst of this pandemic, people will no longer dip their fingers in election ink but only with a drop.

Seventh, the number of voters in one polling station will be limited to 500 people and the entire polling officer group (KPPS) will be required to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) in the form of a mask, face shield or face shield, and gloves to prevent transmission.

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