
JAKARTA - The perpetrator of hard water sprinklers who took action three times in West Jakarta was finally exposed. This fugitive has the initials FY, 29 years old. He was arrested last Friday night in Srengseng, West Jakarta.

FY is not a member of a gang or other crime network. He is an AC service employee who has lye as a means of supporting his work. So, for watering the victim, he used the lye he always had.

"At all crime scenes, the same material is used, namely caustic soda. This material is considered a hazardous material. It can cause skin irritation if the suspect is splashed on the victim," Head of Kimbiofor Puslabfor Polri, Kombes Andi Firdaus at Polda Metro Jaya, Saturday, November 16. .

Andi explained that the lye used by FY was in the form of small granules. By FY, the granules were dissolved in water and put into a bottle. Usually, the impact felt by the victim is skin irritation. Andi said, the victim can be healed regularly.

So, when he was on his way from his home in Ciledug to his office in Meruya, he was just looking for people who he felt would not threaten him back, such as school children and mothers.

FY has no grudge against anyone. He also does not target certain people in carrying out the action. He just had bad past experiences. FY thought, by pouring hard water on other people, at least he would not feel pain alone.

This admission was conveyed by FY to the psychologist who handled this case, namely Kasandra Putranto. Kasandra said, FY did the crime consciously without any hallucinations.

"Previously, he had an accident falling from the 3rd floor and then experienced difficulties in financing treatment and because of his anger he vented it to other people in the hope that other people would feel what he felt," explained Kasandra.

For information, the first hard water sprinkling took place on Tuesday, November 5 afternoon. At that time, the two victims had just returned from school. Suddenly they were caught by a motorized man. The man then poured chemical liquid on the two victims.

The second action took place last Friday. A vegetable trader named Sakina (60) became a victim of watering. The head and neck were blistered due to exposure to chemical liquids.

Last Friday, six children of SMP Negeri 207 Kembangan, West Jakarta, again fell victim to the chemical spraying on their way home from school. The watering took place about 600 meters from the school.

At that time they came home from school together at around 13.00 WIB. According to his student's confession, Imam explained that there were two men who brought chemical liquids in bottles. Then the liquid fell on Jalan Mawar.

Currently, the police have confiscated evidence in the form of two victim's uniforms, one victim's gown, and CCTV footage. The suspicion was charged with the Child Protection Law Article 80 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 76 c of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2014, and / or Article 351 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code.

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