
JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Health Office, Widyastuti, confirmed that he would conduct a contact tracing of a number of activities attended by Deputy Governor of DKI Ahmad Riza Patria over the past two weeks.

This was done after Riza was declared infected with COVID-19 since Friday, November 27. Contact tracing is an effort to suppress the spread of the corona virus in Jakarta.

"Of course, the tracing principle is necessary, whoever is (positive) we will deepen the position in the last two weeks. The one interacting with him (Riza), we will do a test," said Widyastuti at the City Hall of DKI, Monday, November 30.

Currently, Riza is conducting independent isolation for the next 14 days. Riza admits that she is currently in good condition.

"Alhamdulillah, although the test results on Friday showed positive COVID-19, my condition is still in good condition and under control," said Riza in a written statement.

According to Riza, based on the results of the contact tracing of the DKI Jakarta Health Service, he was confirmed positive for COVID-19 because he contracted it from his personal staff who had previously been infected from the staff's family environment.

“So, this positive COVID-19 finding is from the work environment, where one of my staff is infected from their family cluster. This is certainly a concern for all of us to maintain more discipline in health protocols even within the family, "he explained.

Based on VOI's search, here are a number of activities that Riza has undertaken during the last two weeks, namely from November 14 to 27:

1. Saturday, November 14th, Riza visited the Daarul Berkah Rahman Foundation in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta

2. Sunday, November 15th, Riza visited the Mud Duck activity in Serdang Village, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta

3. Thursday, 19 November 2020, Riza attended the Mata Najwa event at Trans7 as a resource person from the DKI Provincial Government

4. Tuesday, November 17th, Riza attended the Indonesia Lawyer Club program on TV One

5. Thursday, November 19, Riza came to the South Jakarta Mayor's Office

6. Saturday 21 November, Riza attended the IARMI social service at Pasar Minggu Legend, South Jakarta

7. Sunday, November 22, Riza attended the inauguration of the IARMI Shooting and Hunting Club (ISHC) central management at the Perbakin Shoot Field, Senayan, Central Jakarta.

8. Monday, November 23rd, Riza complied with the police summons at Polda Metro Jaya to provide clarification on cases of violation of health protocols.

9. Tuesday, November 24, Riza attended a tree planting and fish seeding event at Koopsau I Headquarters, Halim Perdanakusuma, East Jakarta.

10. Wednesday, November 25th, Riza attended the Forum Group Discussion (FGD) entitled "Preparing Jakarta People to Face Analog Switch-off 2022" at Graha Mental Spiritual Building, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta.

11. Thursday 26 November, Riza attended the plenary meeting at the DPRD DKI Jakarta building.

12. Friday, November 27, Rriza appointed the commander of the West Java muhawarman student regiment (Menwa) at the Hall of Pasundan University, Bandung, West Java. Then, attend the plenary meeting at the DKI DPRD building.

Apart from a number of activities mentioned, Riza also served several interviews with journalists at the DKI City Hall. Riza also attended the commemoration of the Prophet's birthday in Tebet on Friday, November 13. However, his presence in Tebet passed 14 days before he tested positive for COVID-19.

Jakarta Kadinkes Widyastuti said that currently his party had conducted a general search in Tebet. "Tebet yesterday was carried out routinely. We still carry out 3T, namely tracing, testing and treatment," he concluded.

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